In this enlightening episode, I chat with Craig Brockie, author of Ultimate Health: Break Free from Your Health Issues and Live Your Best Life. Craig shares his journey of overcoming chronic health issues, including anxiety, pain, and gut problems, and how he now helps others take control of their health through natural detoxification, gut health, and a holistic approach. From discovering the impact of antibiotics on his gut health to the transformative power of probiotics and detox techniques, Craig dives deep into how optimizing gut health can dramatically improve overall well-being.
We also discuss his transition from business to health advocacy, practical steps to detoxify the body, and the impact of dietary choices. Craig's advice on gut health, detoxification, and emotional well-being is essential listening for anyone looking to regain their health naturally.
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Brad Minus: [00:00:00] And welcome back to another episode of Life-Changing Challengers. As always, I'm Brad MMinus I'm your host, and I am super, super hyped up to be talking to Craig Brockie. Craig is the author of Ultimate Health. Break Free from your Health Issues.
And Live Your Best Life. So we're going to say hello to Craig. Hey,
Craig Brockie: Craig. Brad, thanks for having me. I think that's really cool that you've completed several Ironmans and you teach people and train people and coach people to do these extreme things that most people just don't think they can do. And you help people get it done.
Brad Minus: Well, thank you, but it's not about me, brother. It's about you. So Craig, as I ask everybody, can you tell us a little bit about your childhood? What was the compliment of your family, you know, and, and what was it like to be Craig as a kid?
Craig Brockie: Okay. Well, Extremely tall for where I grew up. At least if you put me in Holland, I'm kind of average [00:01:00] because people are tall there.
My family were entrepreneurs. They ran a jewelry store in a small town in Ontario, Canada called Fort Francis. It's right on the border with International Falls, Minnesota. Which is straight north of Minneapolis, and it's all about hunting and fishing and hockey, of course, is religion up in Canada, pretty much.
So it's all about the outdoors. And there's a lot of winter up there. So you have to kind of find fun things to do in the wintertime. And I loved growing up. There was really simple. I mean, we didn't have cell phones back then. I'm 50 years old now. So I feel blessed that I grew up without cell phones and without a lot of video games.
And we, you know, we just go outside and play and you'd be playing all kinds of things all day long and riding your bike around. You didn't have to really worry about too much other than maybe nuclear warfare because apparently Russia was ready to destroy us at any moment, but anyway, so [00:02:00] life was good.
I really enjoyed it. I have one older sister, quite a different person than me, but she's got a couple cute nieces and I love hanging out with them and going to see my parents up in Canada. And I was just there this year It's, it's always great to visit the family there.
Brad Minus: Did you, do you go during the summer?
Craig Brockie: I typically do.
Brad Minus: Yeah. I would imagine that you,
Craig Brockie: yeah, living in Clearwater beach, Florida now, you know, regularly in the nineties here. Even the winter time, you know, sixties is a cool day. So, you know, heading up to, to Canada where it gets into the minus, you know, minus 40 and stuff is just. It's a little bit punishing.
Brad Minus: Wait, nowadays,
Craig Brockie: you go in like January, it can be, fatal.
Brad Minus: So they, do they, do they call it high school? Do they call it secondary school up there?
Craig Brockie: I think we call it a high school.
Brad Minus: But did you play any sports or anything in high [00:03:00] school?
Craig Brockie: I mean, I'm average athlete. I found out later on that I had weak feet or fallen arches. And that's something that I teach people in my book is how to actually correct fallen arches or flat feet or weak feet or whatever, there's several names for it. But because I had my arches, my arches were collapsed in my feet and then that makes your ankles kind of roll and it's called pronation.
And you probably know that because of jogging and running. But I had pretty moderate to severe pronation and I just wasn't aware of it. No one really knew about it back then. But when you're trying to do ice skating and hockey or jumping or sports, I remember my knees were so bad in high school. I had to actually walk downstairs and, angled to one side.
Like I'd kind of, I wouldn't go down the stairs straight. I'd have to kind of go down on the side because my one knee hurt so much.
Brad Minus: Oh, and that all came from.
Craig Brockie: Yeah, I mean, once I fixed my foot arches and it's super easy to do, it's less than a hundred [00:04:00] dollars to get set up with these special shoe inserts that fix your arches and the brand is called Barefoot Science.
I love the product and helps rebuild your arches within a few months, actually. And then when your arch is correct, then your ankles feel better, your knees feel better, your hips feel better. It can even relieve back and neck pain.
Yeah, that's amazing.
Brad Minus: That's, that's incredible. So all right. So you, so you weren't an athlete either. Was I actually, I wasn't a great athlete. It's still not a great athlete. I just can go for, I can just go for a long time. But no, I was, I rode the bench for, you know, I kept trying, kept trying, but is there something that you did?
Did you do any kind of organized sports at all?
Craig Brockie: Yeah. I mean, I played hockey and I played competitive hockey when I was younger, but I didn't make the high school team. I just didn't have the a, like the art, the feet problem was an issue. And then also I just didn't have the discipline to work out and train like the guys who made the team.
I did play some volleyball and basketball. I'm six foot four. So [00:05:00] I always got picked to be like the center on the team. I've played other sports, tennis, badminton, things like that. We didn't have pickleball when I was a kid, but I think that's a fun sport nowadays.
Brad Minus: You know what, that is the next thing that I want to try. I did play tennis, when I was younger, but I haven't touched a racket in years and years, but that is something that I've been. Been watching people super fun.
Craig Brockie: It's really social sport to actually what I was good at was water skiing.
I used to do a lot of slalom skiing in the summertime. I'd go out at least three times a week and go water skiing with my friends. It was kind of my big thing. We jump off bridges into the water and cliffs and stuff. It was just it was a fun upbringing.
Brad Minus: So you had a basic nuclear family, just your parents, you and your sister, right.
Craig Brockie: I mean, every family is dysfunctional to some extent, I think. And I'm not going to put it on my father, but he was bipolar or manic depressive as he referred to it back then. So, you know, I mean, every family has got their ups and downs and, you know, I don't think there's any perfect [00:06:00] family.
And I, by no means was a perfect child. That's for sure. But my parents were great and I have no complaints. I love my parents dearly and I was really fortunate to have them as my parents.
Brad Minus: Great. Yeah. That's what I like to hear. I'm going through, my parents are at that point where I finally have accepted that they're getting old, right?
I totally get it. I grew up. I'm an only child and all the way through high school. If I didn't have a game or something on Friday night, then it was Saturday night. Otherwise, Friday night was, pizza and a movie at the movie theater.
Even through high school, when I got called, Oh, you're going with your parents. And I'm like, Oh, that's my time with my parents, man. That in Sunday dinner was the whole time, and I just, wasn't giving that up for nobody.
Craig Brockie: Well, I got caught up in alcohol and drugs and I, you know, because I was doing those things and feeling kind of bad about it, you know, when you're doing those things, you know, it's not the right thing for you.
And I think that tends to. Create some separation between you and your parents because you have secrets and, you know, you don't want to tell them what you're up to and stuff like [00:07:00] that. So I think that can create some division, but it sounds like you were a much more ethical child than I was.
Brad Minus: I think I was kind of forced, you know, and it was just, it wasn't like forced.
It was kind of like my dad just harped on me to be a leader. He's like,
Craig Brockie: you don't follow
Brad Minus: the crowd. You always are the one that leads the crowd. And, it did separate me. You know, I was an outcast in school. I had a few friends in each one of the little groups, you know, like I had some stoner friends.
I had some nerds.
Craig Brockie: Same thing.
Brad Minus: Yeah. So interesting that you mentioned that you kind of got caught up in drugs and alcohol. Was that just a, was that just a, a kind of a fad thing when you're hanging out with your friends or did you legitimately have a problem?
Craig Brockie: Well it was recreational for sure.
I never became alcoholic or like an addict for say, but in ninth grade for us. That's when we started drinking and then pretty much every weekend, at least one of the two nights we were getting drunk and, you know, it's not a really productive thing to be doing with your time. And then when I [00:08:00] was about 19, I think I started getting into pot and other things related to drugs.
And, you know, just, I guess I lost some self respect for myself. And, you know, when you're doing things, you know, you shouldn't be doing and you know, they're not good for you. And I think it, Takes you down a notch in terms of your self esteem and how you feel about yourself. And that definitely had an adverse effect on me.
And then when I was in university, my health just completely fell apart. I had a chronic pain, chronic anxiety. My immune system was shot. I was getting sick all the time. When I hit about 21, that's where everything kind of fell apart for me.
Brad Minus: So when you say that you were, that you, that you fell apart and you, you know, an anxiety and stuff, did you get diagnosed with anything?
Was this big, do you think it was because of the drugs? Do you, was there another reason?
Craig Brockie: Well, what I feel, and I'm going to hold up a book. It's not my book. It's a book by Dr. William Davis. He's the best New York times, number one bestselling author of a series called wheat [00:09:00] belly and a wheat belly is all about how avoiding wheat can really be good for your body and your immune system, your gut health.
But what he found was that handling wheat or just eliminating wheat wasn't enough for everybody. So he actually did his further research and he wrote this next book called super gut, which is really awesome. What I realized was that in high school, I started getting acne and I started getting really, self conscious about it.
So, some people my age at the time were using a drug, which is an antibiotic called Tetra cyclin. And I took that to handle my acne. And in the doctor's defense, he told me to not take it for longer than six months. And I ended up kind of urging him to take it for 18 months. Looking back at it, I think six months would have been more than enough to destroy my gut.
But the fact that I did take it for 18 months, basically antibiotics have a really devastating effect on gut health. because they not just remove the bad [00:10:00] bacteria, but they also remove good bacteria. And then you can open the door to parasites and fungus and, yeast and all kinds of things and bad bacteria overcoming your gut.
And then that really challenges your immune system because your immune system is really based in your gut. And another thing about. Emotions to even the American Psychological Association. If you go to the website right today, they acknowledge that 95 percent of the body's serotonin, which is the feel good, neurotransmitter is actually manufactured and stored in the gut.
So when you start messing up your gut health I think it's really, The basis of health is your gut. And that's why I tell people, let's pick up a copy of super good. And in my book, ultimate health, I really teach people how to restore their gut health and return their gut integrity.
But my gut was a mess. I had something called leaky gut syndrome and that's, and I had Candida yeast overgrowth. So those two things were [00:11:00] just destroying my health and my immune system. And you know, when, then you get an inflammation, when you have inflammation, you have pain and like all these things are so connected.
If you can just fix your gut and then detoxify your body, and then get the right nutrition in there, most. Conditions seem to reverse themselves pretty naturally. That's experience. And obviously stress is a part of that too, but I mean, all these things are connected and my, my anxiety went way down as soon as I started addressing my gut health also,
Brad Minus: that's super interesting that you say that because you know what, to this day, this is the first time that I've heard that tetracycline was, it was an issue with your gut and now that I, I think back on it, I had issues.
I had major issues with my gut.
Right. And you know what? I knew that McDonald's had clean bathrooms because I had to keep stopping. And you just pulled [00:12:00] that epiphany from me. Right. I was on tetracycline. And then later I was on accutane. Okay. I had those issues and I never put the two together.
Craig Brockie: Yeah, well, you've probably done a lot of good things for you guys since then, because, it seems like you're a really healthy guy and your diets probably. Pretty good. And if you use fermented foods like yogurt, actually Dr. Davis and his book, super gut, he talks about how he can take a single capsule of probiotics and you can actually make your own yogurt with it, which is really cool.
Usually there's a 10 to 50 billion live cultures in one little capsule, and he shows you how you can turn those billions into trillions of live cultures in your own kitchen. I did that for myself and my family and some friends. And I found it so effective.
I actually now have the number one, best selling probiotic yogurt maker on Amazon, and that's my runaway success product. Like when you get passionate about something and you believe in something, it's really easy to promote things. And that's why I love getting on these [00:13:00] podcasts and telling people about their gut health and inspiring them to make a change.
And sometimes this is as easy as. Taking something to kill the Candida and bad bacteria and parasites. And over the course of maybe two to six weeks, you can get a really good progress on that. And then you can start taking high pride, but probiotic yogurt, and you can make your own.
It only has two species of probiotics in it. And those two species do not even. Populate your small intestine. They only populate your colon. So if you want to do anything for your small intestine, you need different probiotics and there's literally. Hundreds if not thousands of different probiotic species and strains.
Dr. Davis has identified which ones have very particular purposes. Like there's ones that have, immune system benefits. There's ones that have inflammation benefits. There's ones for weight loss benefits. There's ones for mood that help improve your mood. He broke that all down in the book.
We summarize that in the instruction guide that we provide with our probiotic yogurt [00:14:00] maker. But at the same time, I encourage everyone to buy the book too, because I think The more you know, the better off you are.
Brad Minus: That's incredible. You got a number one yogurt maker. Yeah, well we're gonna find that and we're gonna link that with your book in the notebook.
In the show notes. Yeah, I'll send you a free
Craig Brockie: one for having me on the show and I can set you up with like a special link too.
Brad Minus: Oh, that'd be great. And we'll talk about that when we get towards that. But let's step back to you.
Craig Brockie: Yeah, man.
Brad Minus: Brockie. All right. So, what were you studying in university?
Craig Brockie: I am a university dropout. I started with science because I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do. And then I thought, well, I really like math and. Engineering and that interests me. So I did engineering and then I really kind of found that interesting, but I didn't really seem to fit in with my classmates.
I noticed that they seem to be really studious and on the nerdy side and has more of a people person and a little bit, entrepreneurial and into sales and, [00:15:00] promotions and stuff. At the time I was the president of the dormitory on campus. I was living in the dorm and I was the president.
And it was a really social activity. I really, really enjoyed that a lot. And I ended up going into business in my last year. And then at that point, a good friend of mine. The internet was just getting hot at that point. This was the end of 1995. I remember my business partner walked in my dorm room one day.
He said, Hey, Craigie, do you know what a website is? And I said, no, I don't. So he walked over to his, in his room, in his computer and he had. 486 computer, which is gold. And he showed, he pulled up the McDonald's website and at the time the McDonald's website just had a postage stamp of a picture of a restaurant up in the corner, like just a small picture and then just text on it is that's how basic the internet was back then.
Right. And then I was like, Oh wow, that's really cool. Anyway, then [00:16:00] he grabbed the Winnipeg Yellow Pages. Cause when he living in Winnipeg, Manitoba at the time, and I don't know what the Yellow Pages look like these days, but in that time, like your city's Yellow Pages were either a big book or just a massive book, like pounds, pounds of paper.
Right. Anyway, he just, he was a very good salesman and he walked in with the Yellow Pages and he put it into my lap and thud, he said, Craigie in 10 years, Every company in this book is going to have a website. Do you want a piece of that action? I was like, hell yeah, let's go. So I started an internet marketing company at the end of 1995 with my friend.
And it was just so fun. And then I got into search engine optimization and that's where I made my first million. I love e commerce and now I sell on Amazon. And I mean, I've had plenty of failures too. I don't want to say come across as a guy hasn't failed, but, internet marketing is just super cool.
And I think a lot of [00:17:00] people should probably consider doing it. And nowadays with AI and social media and stuff, there's so much opportunity.
Brad Minus: You don't find that it's saturated at all.
Craig Brockie: I think everything's saturated, but you know, if a person has. A passion and the willingness to learn and the willingness to work hard.
Brad Minus: Right. If you want to do an Ironman, even a half Ironman, which is a super huge accomplishment. Don't let anybody.
Tell you any different. A half marathon is an amazing accomplishment. 0. 01 percent of the population has finished an Ironman. 0. 1 percent of the population has finished a marathon. It's all determination. Most of it is mental. When I look at my email, because I'm in the internet space because of the podcast and because I do have a website and I, have to do some internet marketing for myself.
Hey, new, a new AI website builder, new website builder, new place to, Hey, this will take over all [00:18:00] of your graphics.
I get slammed with these emails of people doing email. Marketing, you know, on internet marketing, that's why I ask, cause it seems like there's just, everybody has got something.
Craig Brockie: Well, I'll give people just a tip right now. I started on Amazon in 2015 and if you wanted to start selling on Amazon today versus 2015, you can almost fall on your keyboard and make money.
Nowadays, it's a very sophisticated game and it's not to say that you cannot do it. In fact, a good friend of mine, he helps people get started on Amazon all the time. He coaches people through that. His name is Aaron Cordova is if you want to check him out.
He has one of the top 100 brands on Amazon. And he's also got a company where they actually acquire brands and take on investors and stuff. Super good guy, super smart. He teaches people how to get into Amazon. Great. But here's the thing. Tick tock, tick tock has a shop now. And a lot of people don't even know about tick tock shop.
And in my [00:19:00] opinion, tick tock shop is like what Amazon was in 2015 or 2016. Right now there's 10 million sellers on Amazon and there's 26, 000 on tick tock. So the opportunity to see, but the thing is a lot of people aren't buying on tick tock yet, but that's the cool thing. You can have an Amazon store.
And a lot of people, when they see something on Tik TOK, they'll actually go and buy it on Amazon. So they work together. But the point is if a person wants to get really wealthy, I think they can just go on Tik TOK and start pitching products and build up their reputation as someone that has some integrity and some interest and some enthusiasm about products, for instance.
And then get a following, promote products, maybe get your own products in the TikTok shop. I don't know. There's just so many opportunities these days. And then obviously AI is really cool. And there's just so many things. I think AI is bigger than the internet and those who really grab onto it and run with it are going to have no problem.
Paying the bills and donating money [00:20:00] and driving Porsches.
Brad Minus: Oh man, that sounds amazing. And that's something that maybe you and I will have to take that offline. But, so let's get back to you.
So you were having problems with anxiety and everything, and you started working on your gut. And you said that you noticed things in about what? Six weeks, things started to turn
Craig Brockie: around quite quickly. And, I did actually take some things specifically for anxiety. For me, there was a herb or herb, depending on how you want to pronounce it called Kava Kava.
And that one for me actually helped really knock down anxiety as well. And nowadays, I mean, I do a lot of therapy for lack of a better word. I mean, I'm a Scientologist and in Scientology you do something called auditing, which is kind of like a, it's a spiritual practice that, you know, you're confronting and handling whatever trauma you have in your life or self [00:21:00] doubts or any kind of issues you have, you can resolve them using this auditing technique and auditing just means to listen.
So, you know, it's not about, you know, What someone else thinks is about what you think. So it's just taking you through a series of questions and letting you kind of analyze your own life and coming up to your own conclusions. And I just found that so effective. So like today I don't have any anxiety.
It's, it's like a long gone and it wasn't until I got well into my, Scientology that that actually occurred. Cause I still had some lingering anxiety, but. I mean, the brunt of it got handled with just healing my gut, getting the neurotransmitters balanced because the gut health was balanced and you're getting healthy exercising those release endorphins, you know, just doing the right things in life too.
If you know, for me personally, I was making some bad decisions. I was using drugs. I was using alcohol. And when you're doing those things, for me, at least, you know, [00:22:00] you start feeling ashamed regret. I didn't like looking at myself in the mirror. I'd look at my myself in the eyes and I wasn't proud of who I was.
So, I mean, when you're in that condition, it's hard to be a happy person. And so that's why I think, you know, auditing or some sort of counseling can be so good is just to, because I think what I was doing at the time was I was trying to pretend that those things just didn't happen, like I make some stupid blunder in life and then I'd try to like shove it under the carpet and pretend like it wasn't there and pretend that it didn't happen, but you know, it was just haunting me all the time.
And I was just filled with feelings of guilt, shame, and regret. And it wasn't until I started confronting those feelings and taking responsibility for my life and what I had done and, making things right, that things really turned around for me on a whole nother level, not just, Biomechanical or chemical level or health body level, but a spiritual and mental level.
That's when my life went into overdrive and I'm a super happy person I love helping [00:23:00] whoever I can, however I can.
Brad Minus: Interesting. So what were the, so let's just run through like a step ladder. Sure. Of how of just the steps you took. You don't have to go. Let's not go like you kind of already gave us a lot of detail.
But let's kind of let's just run through the steps. So if you were to counsel someone on, let's say, let's say you're looking at a mirror of yourself, somebody that's kind of, you know, is realized, that, you know, drugs and alcohol are plaguing their life, blah, blah, blah. And, you know, and maybe they've got some good health.
So I I'm, I'm assuming that probably the first thing that you would probably start talking with, you would probably address the gut health cause that's probably,
Craig Brockie: yeah, I think so. And then for instance, if someone has addiction problems, there's a program called Narconon, which is excellent within four to eight weeks.
You can come out the other side, not just. Cleaning out your body and detoxifying, but have your own self respect returned. It's, you know, it were to the point where you don't even crave [00:24:00] alcohol emotionally, nevermind physically or up drugs for that matter. And then there's also even a program I mentioned in the book and I love it.
It's called true hope. com and up in Canada is true hope. ca. And they even specialize in helping people get off of pharmaceutical psychiatric drugs and living a, you know, a happy life. The founder of that business or that brand true hope, his wife actually committed suicide. She was mag depressive or today they call that bipolar and she just.
lost it and she committed suicide and then he had two children who were also manic depressive or bipolar and they were suicidal also and he was determined not to lose his two children and he just went on a mission to try and solve the problem and he did solve the problem. He found what nutrients they needed in their body to balance things out so that their brain chemistry and whatever [00:25:00] they needed Was all right, and he's helped thousands, if not millions of people now with Severe psychological problems overcome those just through natural means.
And he's not only saved his two children, but he's saved so many other people. And it's people like that, that I just, I can't say enough good things about them because they're just, they're so brave. This guy actually got attacked by health Canada, and that's like the FDA of the United States. So he had to go all the way to the Supreme court of Canada to continue providing treatment.
And he had to fight, fight, fight to continue helping people. And he won. And that's so awesome.
Brad Minus: Yeah. I mean, that's amazing. So but it sounds like you're talking about, OK, if I was going to help somebody, then let's let's look at your gut health.
Then let's attack the emotional, the emotional mental well being or
Craig Brockie: maybe like, well, how I lay it out in the book. So chapter one's all about, Starting your detoxification [00:26:00] process and you want detoxification be to be a comfortable experience because we have so many toxins in our bodies. Like we're just surrounded by toxins.
So you can't assume that you're not toxic. We've got petrochemicals everywhere. Nevermind. The fertilizer that they use to grow crops is made from petroleum. It's not even natural fertilizer that they put on the crops. Then they put Roundup. Or glyphosate, it's called on the crops that kills life. So we're consuming those things that messes up your gut.
Then if that's not enough, you get into processed foods and you're taking things like Aspartame because you think that having diet coke is better than regular coke and aspartame totally messes up your gut bacteria. I don't know if it's as bad as tetracycline, but it's definitely damaging birth control pills that messes up your gut.
And, but there's all these toxins too. I don't want to get too far [00:27:00] into the rabbit hole, but I don't know if you looked up in the sky and you see those big lines in the sky of like plane trails,
and there's some nasty shit up there. That's not good for your body. So we're just surrounded by these things. Nevermind the, the groundwater or whatever you're drinking can be toxic. If you don't have a reverse osmosis system in your house, You know, that's probably a great place to start is getting clean water.
And then also like even the air we breathe in our homes, like if you get brand new carpet, it's got something called formaldehyde that it releases. Anyway, the bottom line, or you might have here in Florida, mold is a big problem, right? Yes, man. I had my AC system inspected a couple of years ago. And the, the, the AC guy said it was the worst he'd seen in 20 years.
Yeah, we had a terrible system and there was so much mold in our air that we're breathing every day. But you know, if a, if a overweight person or someone who with a compromised immune [00:28:00] system or something was living in this house prior to when we got this cleaned up.
You know, it would've been a disaster. So we had 'em clean, we had 'em actually replace all the ducks in the house, clean out the fully clean out the air handler in the ceiling, and then also put UV lights in there to help mold from growing in the next, like actually coming back. But there's just so many things that I'm just trying to draw a picture of how many things that can really mess you up on a health basis.
So, but the first thing is when you detox, so look at your body as like a bag of water for a moment and. All the dirt's kind of going to kind of settle to the bottom of the bag, right? But when you start to detoxify your body, basically you have your, it's kind of like shaking up that bag cause you need to get it out.
So. If you're not actually eliminating those toxins through, you know, bowel movements, urination, sweating, you know, sweating is great. My church actually has one of the best, if not the best sauna [00:29:00] detox programs in the world. Yeah. We've been using it. We used it with a nine 11, responders who got messed up like doctor, sorry, firefighters and policemen who got messed up at nine 11.
Cause all the chemicals and all kinds of like when that BP oil spill happened, 10 years ago, we use it there to help people. Cause I don't know, I don't want to get too into that, but yeah, it wasn't just an oil spill. They were putting chemical dispersants into the water to hide the oil.
And those chemical dispersants were terrible for people's bodies. It was really messing people up, but we came in there and we started doing the sauna detox program and helping these people. Recover their health and it's just amazing. But anyway, the bottom line is you have to get these toxins out. You can't just stir them up in your body and hope for the best, because if you actually get the toxins moving inside your body without getting them out fast enough, you can get headaches, you can get flu symptoms, and it's called a detox reaction or a [00:30:00] healing crisis.
So chapter one of my book just explains, okay, we need to get your bowels moving regularly and actually flushing out your colon so that. You know, when you start detoxifying your body is a comfortable experience and you don't get these negative reactions and then I go into how to detoxify all areas of your body, your liver, your kidneys, you name it, your skin, your fat,
and then I get into. Emotional health and things people can do, how to get a good sleep. I used to have a terrible snoring problem. I show people how to remove snoring. And of course I handle pain issues. I used to have chronic pain. So I teach people how to remove their pain naturally without taking drugs.
And I just love telling people about it.
Brad Minus: No, I think it's absolutely amazing. So just the fact that you're talking about, The idea that there are things that are going on in our air. That we can cause some, toxicity, that's just you walking around, not to mention that buying fruit and stuff from the grocery store, was [00:31:00] already killed some of the nutrition and
Craig Brockie: antibiotics in them too.
Oftentimes like most conventional meats have antibiotics in them. Loaded with glyphosate because those cows and chickens and stuff are eating GMO feed that's just laced with glyphosate, which is Roundup. And that stuff doesn't just dissipate. It goes up the food chain and then we're at the top of the food chain.
Brad Minus: Yeah, I'm a big fan of butcher box. I love butcher box cause it's grass fed or natural or free range. It doesn't, you know, you've got, they've got levels in there. But it's all non antibiotics, you know, it's all free and natural stuff I've gotten sick from meat before for me it was better than fresh market.
When you go to fresh market and you get good food, but it's really expensive. Butcher box seems to be somewhere in the middle.
Craig Brockie: Right.
Brad Minus: Cool. So that's a good one. If you're a meat eater, but that's, I think it's amazing. I'm hearing another steps is now I'm starting to feel like, okay, no, it's detox detox, which includes your probiotics and
Craig Brockie: If someone's constipated, here's the deal. If [00:32:00] anybody has gas. Indigestion, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, any of these things, those are early warning signals that something's messed up with your gut and you can't just ignore those.
You can't take Tums. If you have acid reflux and you're taking Tums to deal with that. That's almost the worst thing you can do because you need an acidic stomach to actually break down your food. When you take Tums, it's neutralizing your stomach acid and it's making things worse.
So then when you're eating stuff, it's not breaking down properly. And it's starting to back up. So one of the best things you can do if you have acid reflux is actually use something that's acidic like apple cider vinegar or the supplement called betaine HCL, which is hydrochloride and digestive enzymes.
Actually give your digestion some help and actually stop drinking so much fluid when you're eating Because fluid actually like even water when you're eating food Dilutes your [00:33:00] stomach acid and your enzymes and makes it harder for you to digest So if a person's got compromised digestion, there's certain steps.
They really should take into consideration Until they heal their gut And then once their guts healed, all things can improve. They can get the first chapter of my book for free at Craig Brockie.
com slash free. And I go over the first chapter is all about the, like the colon and making sure you don't have constipation, for instance, and cleaning out your colon. There's something called colonics or colon hydrotherapy where they actually you go to a clinic and they basically flush you out from your rear end and I've done that and it's not very comfortable and it's inconvenient, but it's a good therapy, but I teach people how they can get a similar effect in their own home without having to leave and actually flush water through their whole digestive tract.
So you actually have clean water coming out your rear end. It's fascinating. It's actually comes from [00:34:00] India. It's an East Indian practice that I discovered and it's super simple.
Brad Minus: And does it still have something to do with putting water where the sun don't shine?
Craig Brockie: No, actually you drink salt water.
Okay. And salt water, because. Like if you're a stranded at sea, for instance, and you were thirsty, we all know that you can't just scoop a glass of water into the salt water and drink it. And I think a lot of people, in fact, I did, at least I assumed that, well, it's probably because it's got salt in it and that salt would be dehydrating, but that's actually not the reason it's because that salt water has a very similar consistency to your blood or like it's called.
I don't want to get too technical on it. When you drink salt water, it actually passes through all the way. Your system, you don't absorb the water just passes through. So there's something called a salt water flush. And basically what you do is first thing in the morning, you drink a glass of [00:35:00] salt water and within 30 to 60 minutes that passes straight out your rear end.
Not only that, but after about 30 minutes of taking that glass of water, you can start drinking some just regular water. And that actually, like once the gateway is open, that freshwater will just keep flushing through too. You can get like a few liters of water through your whole digestive tract in the space of like 60 to 90 minutes.
It cleans out a lot of your colon. And then obviously you need the probiotics to go back in there.
Brad Minus: That's. I don't even know what to say about that. I just, the thought of it, it's like, I know, but the thought of it is, is, I mean, it's cool, it's healthy, but the thought of it, you know, is like, okay, you either can go and pay somebody to be, and be inconvenienced by somebody like, you know, putting it up your rear end and forcing it out.
Or you can do it at home by just drinking some salt water and letting it go through as long as, and it [00:36:00] sounds like it's very important. You put those prebiotics, those probiotics back.
Craig Brockie: Yeah. Like, and I don't think you want to overdo it too, because you sometimes a little bit more sensitive, like your digestive system can be a little more sensitive.
That's the other thing is in your small intestines. Okay. Like most people maybe probably picture their small intestines is like this, a pipe kind of like this, but actually a cross section of your small intestine looks like this. And there's these fingers coming down.
They're called VLI. And what they do is they increase the surface area of your small intestines so that you have more area, surface area to absorb nutrients. But what happens is the small intestine gets, coated with mucus and candida yeast and bad bacteria and things that you don't want in there and you're kind of get used to it that, Hey, I don't absorb my nutrients very well.
And I never seem to be, I always seem to be hungry because you're just not getting the nutrients you need. Then you start cleaning that [00:37:00] mucus out of there. Then you kind of expose these VLI again, that have been covered up all this time. And so sometimes you can get a little bit more sensitive because this stuff's been coated with mucus for years.
And then, I don't know, there's things you can take. Like there's a amino acid called L glutamine. You might've heard of it because it's good for after the gym and recovering, but also has a healing effect on the gut. And there's a lot of other things that have a really good healing effect on the gut.
Aloe vera juices and other, I mentioned many of them in my chapter one, if you just get the free chapter one, I cover all this stuff.
Brad Minus: Yeah, we're going to do that. Definitely. I'm definitely look at chapter one, but it does bring me back to somebody I met quite a few years ago. I met this woman, Mary and she had a family and she was having some issues with her gut and she decided to just, and another one of these, I'm hoping to, I've got to find her again.
And get her on an episode, but she went totally raw and she put her [00:38:00] family. on the raw diet. And when she was talking to me, it's that same thing. She was giving me almost the exact same thing about the VLI and then the mucus and the extra Candida and everything else.
But when you eat raw and you eat clean raw, they're, you're not getting the toxins. So the mucus and the Candida kind of starts to dissipate. So depending on who you are as an American, when you get, nutrition through your small intestine and it's put into the bloodstream, that mucus and candida, whatever that lining is, that it's there to protect you.
It's actually, it grows because it's there to protect you from the toxins,
Craig Brockie: but
Brad Minus: when you don't have the toxins, it says your body says, okay, I don't need this anymore, which is like rock. So, when the standard American diet might only give you 30 percent nutrition from everything that you eat when you start, when this woman said, she said, when she started eating raw, that, you know, that would dissipate to a point where [00:39:00] you can get 90 to 95 percent of the nutrition.
So, and this is how she's telling me that she knew that her two things, her, that her son went through one was her son used to love to ski. So they would go snowboarding and stuff. And his friends needed to go to the chalet or whatever they call it, the ski lodge and go get burgers or whatever every couple hours because they were starving.
He went in a six hour session with just an orange. Wow. That's incredible. And was completely satisfied. Wow. Right. He's not going to be overweight. That's for sure. Right. Exactly. But when a lot of people are only getting 30 percent of the nutrition, they always felt hungry because they were only getting so much of the nutrition.
But when you're getting down to that point where you're getting a good chunk of that nutrition, you're not hungry anymore because you're being satisfied. But the other thing is, is the healing agent. So same woman, same son broke his arm skiing. Wow.
Craig Brockie: Wow.
Brad Minus: And [00:40:00] then that's where she talked about your body will take what it needs.
It will, it will literally come to a point where you will crave what you need. And she said that he broke his arm, got it reset and he, because they were raw, He wanted almond milk. He just wanted almond milk. She said, I almost went broke because almond milk is very hard, very expensive, just constantly be making almond milk for him.
And when that break we usually take. You know, six, eight, 10 weeks to like heal a hundred percent in four weeks. He got the cast off cause they kept taking an x ray
Craig Brockie: and
Brad Minus: It wasn't a hundred percent, you know, at four weeks, but it was as if he was getting it off at eight or in 10 and 10
Craig Brockie: weeks.
That's amazing. Yeah. And the other thing about raw is that. When people cook food, including me, you kill the enzymes in the food. So actually heat kills the enzymes. So that's why it's really good to take digestive enzymes, especially if anybody's got any kind of nagging health [00:41:00] issues or, you know, you have some gut problems, taking a good quality digestive enzyme supplement with your meals and then just not drinking very much as a good play.
And then I just want to mention on the satiate like the feeling full or society or how, how have you, or however you say that, There is something really popular these days and everyone has heard about it and some people know more than others. But, you know, the diabetes medication called ozempic. And then there's the, peptide is what it is is a peptide.
And a peptide is just a small chain of amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. So if you just back down a protein into the individual building blocks, you've got amino acids, you arrange those in certain ways and you get a peptide and these peptides have very profound effects in your body.
Semaglutide, which is ozempic. That's the peptide. But I even say in the preamble of that guide, look, you may not need to use ozempic because it's a, what's ozempic and semaglutide, [00:42:00] which is the after ingredient or what's called GLP one agonists. So what they do is they stimulate production of a hormone called GLP one.
I don't know what GLP one stands for, to be honest, but it's the thing that really suppresses hunger and causes your, when you do eat, it takes you to get your stomach longer to empty. And so it makes you feel full. It makes fasting and intermittent fasting super easy. But what people struggle with is getting enough protein and then they lose muscle mass.
And so I cover all those things in my guide before I even start, I say, yeah, you might not even need some of glutide because. Newsflash, your gut produces GLP 1, and if you can actually restore your gut health naturally, then you should have a good production of GLP 1 naturally. And if you heal your gut, and you have all these veli absorbing all these nutrients, you're not gonna, you're gonna be getting nutrients from your food.
And if you cut out all this process stuff that's got all these, [00:43:00] you know, chemicals in them that make you crave them. Like the food industry and big pharma, they're equally bad. And the food industry is trying to hook us all on chips, ice cream, crackers, crap that just messes us up.
And they put very addictive things in the, like, I think one of the first things was, what the heck is that called?
Brad Minus: MSG.
Craig Brockie: Yeah. MSG. That was one of the first
Brad Minus: go to me.
Craig Brockie: Yeah. That's just, you know, designed to make things addictive. And that's just one of many, like they're, these guys are just totally trying to keep us addicted to their snack.
Crap food.
Brad Minus: Oh, yeah. No, no, no. I have gone through salt, sugar, salt, sugar, salt, sugar. You just kind of happens, you know, you're like, Oh my God, these chips are tasting so good. Oh, but now I'm thirsty. But now I want something sweet. And then it gets too sweet. So then you want something salty again.
Before you know it, you've just killed 3000 calories.
Craig Brockie: I used to eat a whole pack. [00:44:00] Actually, it was Cherry Garcia, Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia. I could down a whole thing of that in one shot. I was like, yeah, my self respect has left me.
Brad Minus: So, do you enjoy any of those things anymore?
Craig Brockie: I
Brad Minus: mean, sometimes
Craig Brockie: my probiotic yogurt, I'd make it with half and half, Cream and it's comes out so thick, just like the thickness of Greek yogurt.
You don't even have to strain it. And I put flavored Stevia in it. I've got like six flavors of Stevia in my fridge. So I've got butterscotch flavor and I happen to love butterscotch. I've got chocolate flavor. I've got black cherry flavor. I've got vanilla, a couple others. And I just, I really particularly enjoy that, but you know, if I'm out somewhere and my wife and she wants to have us.
She calls it soft serve, like the ice cream cones. And she wants to do one of those. I'll have it, you know, I don't deny myself with those things. I just don't go overboard. Like I used to just like, I used to take a big bag of chips and like demolish the whole [00:45:00] thing and just not be able to stop myself.
And that's definitely doesn't happen anymore.
Brad Minus: That's good to hear. Right. Cause you know, we hear these people and they talk about it. Oh, just don't do it anymore. You know, you should just stop. Oh, well, you know what? We're still invaded. by the ads and everything else.
So once in a while, it's kind of like, all right, you know, I saw that. Yeah, let's try it. It's just the idea of doing it in moderation. You're not doing it every night. It's once in a while and you go from there. I'll never forget it. And you're going to keel over when you hear this.
But I remember, I grew up, I was a huge fricking Sylvester Salone fan.
Craig Brockie: Okay.
Brad Minus: I was big Rocky. You know what I mean? My parents still tell the story to the rest of my, to, to, to my family about how they took me to go see Rocky and I was seven years old and I was a short seven.
And by the last fight, by the last round of the fight, I was standing on the fricking chair. in the movie theater bouncing around trying to, you know, you know, I wasn't the only one. There were adults getting [00:46:00] up in as well too, but Sylvester Stallone at one point decided to try and, and have his own, supplement.
Craig Brockie: Oh, okay.
Brad Minus: Yeah. He had his own supplements line. It didn't last very long. So when he was making the circuit, he's going on tonight show. He's going on good morning, America and all that.
Craig Brockie: That circuit.
Brad Minus: You should actually. People sit there and they're like, they just need to change the paradigm. If you want to have ice cream, eat it in the morning. And it made total sense. If you're going to have a fricking quart of ice cream, have it in the morning, you got a sugar, and then you're going to burn it off throughout the rest of the day.
Don't have it at night when you're all you're going to do, then you're going to go and you're going to be eight hours of settings. But still, he's still talking about having a quart of ice cream, right?
Craig Brockie: Yeah. Binge eating at night, you know, is a recipe for obesity or at least overweight.
Like I've never been obese personally, but I've definitely fluctuated 55 pounds in my adult life from one 95 to two. So, like, sorry, one 90 to two 45. And it used to drive my wife nuts because I'd, [00:47:00] I'd lose 20 pounds and then I'd gradually build, you know, gain it back over the next six months.
And then I'd feel bad about myself and then go on some crash HCG diet or whatever it was. And I'd, you know, be down at 500 calories a day. I didn't know what I was doing. And it's super important to actually. Maintain your metabolism and your muscle mass when you're dieting. Cause that's one of the biggest considerations or criticisms about Oseptic or met semi glutide is that people eat so little that they're not getting enough protein and they're not exercising
weight training. So they lose a lot of muscle. And then when they get to the end of it, their metabolism is trashed and they have less muscle. So they're not as healthy. They're more frail and they gain the weight back. But what I've learned is that if you keep your protein up and you're actually working out,
I actually had wins and gains in the gym where I'm actually getting stronger in the gym while I'm actually working out. losing fat on some lutein and [00:48:00] the other thing is I've got a supplement and I am biased on this, but they're called essential amino acids. And so your body actually has 20, a sense has a 20 uses 20.
amino acids. And again, amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Proteins actually make up collagen, which is in your skin, your joints. Proteins make up enzymes, they make up neurotransmitters, they make up hormones. Proteins are extremely important and the building blocks of those proteins are called amino acids and your body can actually produce 11 of them on its own, as long as it gets the other nine from your food source.
So those nine Amino acids that your body cannot synthesize itself are called essential amino acids because your body does not make them and you need them to survive.
Zero carbs and those give your body the building blocks [00:49:00] of protein so that when you're dieting or even if you're not, if you're trying to bulk up, they're great too, but especially when you're dieting and you don't have the appetite to get your protein, they're really, really good to take so that you don't lose your metabolism.
You don't lose your muscle mass. So fortunately, you know, I used to yo yo all the time and Since I started implementing these tactics that I given my free weight loss guide, I haven't had this rebound weight gain, so I feel great. I feel like I've cracked the code and I've, I've shared that with everybody.
I mean, check in with me two years from now and maybe I'll, that'll be the proof, but so far so good.
Brad Minus: Well, hopefully this podcast will still be going two years from now. We'll check back in with you and everything will be great. But actually there's a couple other topics that we just brushed on that I think I might still want to have you back on for a couple of things.
I do want to wrap it up because I think we're getting into the point where we're starting to get into detail. And I would like whoever is really interested in this to get on out in the show notes. We're going to have [00:50:00] the link.
You can always go to Craig Brockie. com and all of the things that I'm going to make links for actually in there. So you can get it all in one spot. And then you can hear it. So it's Craig Brockie, C R A I G B R O C K I E. dot com, craig brocky dot com. And it's ultimate health.
Make sure that you pick that up and this free guides are amazing too, and he's got 15 percent off codes check that out. I think it's gonna be totally worthwhile.
I'm going to pick it up myself. There are a couple of things that I want to look at. Those essential amino acids. Definitely. There was somebody else that I met that was also I don't think high or middle of the Scientology who also had a powder. That was called Dr.
Minkoff probably. Dr. Minkoff. I didn't interview him. It was about 10 years ago. He did a seminar. In person at a bike shop in Clearwater.
Craig Brockie: Cool.
Brad Minus: And, yeah, I picked it up, but his tastes terrible.
Craig Brockie: Yeah. [00:51:00] It's tough because amino acids are bitter and to get the right blend. We feel like we've done a really good job with the formulation, but I mean, it can still be an acquired taste. You might not like the first glass.
Brad Minus: Right.
Craig Brockie: Tablets are made the safest bet to start with,
Brad Minus: I would throw it in with like a shake or I would throw it in.
Craig Brockie: Lights too, if you like,
Brad Minus: So we would cover it because it was horrible, but I'm hoping that yours is going to taste better. I'm sure they will.
Craig Brockie: That the feedback we get from people is that it tastes better,
Brad Minus: no, no, he's fantastic. And he's got several Ironmans on him.
Craig Brockie: Man, he's 70 something. I don't think he does full Ironmans anymore, but he's done 43 or something in his lifetime. Yes. He's got one of the best clinics to if someone really wants to detoxify and they have the resources, I don't think insurance covers it typically, but if you have the financial resources, like tens of thousands of dollars to invest in your health and you can spend several weeks in Clearwater, he's one of the best, [00:52:00] natural health or integrative medical doctors and the equipment that he has there is just phenomenal.
I actually go there. I'm a patient there and he does very good work.
Brad Minus: Oh, awesome. Well, and maybe we'll do a little blurb about Dr. Minkoff down there in the bottom of the show notes, just because you're a patient with him. Sure. But yeah, fascinating guy. Totally a fascinating guy.
Life works.
Craig Brockie: Well, let's go
Brad Minus: life works. Like his health
Craig Brockie: plan is called body health,
Brad Minus: right?
Craig Brockie: Use a lot of their products. Snack bars. So there's just body health bars. They're so good. And they have really good ingredients in them too.
And they just taste amazing. So there's so many good products out there.
Brad Minus: Yeah. So, but we want to taste your products. We're going to move from there. Thank you so much. We really appreciate it. And remember everybody, ultimate Health on Amazon.
There'll be a link in the show notes. If you're on the YouTube channel, share it, subscribe, hit the bell. like this video if you're listening to us on Apple or Spotify, please leave us a review, and let us know how we're doing.
And you know what? If it's [00:53:00] bad, it's bad. So just leave that review too. I don't care. You know, leave some feedback, tell me how I'm doing so I can get better. But other than that, thank you so much. And for the rest of you, we'll see you in the next one.
Craig Brockie: Awesome. Thanks, Brad.