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Life-Changing Challengers

Richard Mantey shares his four-step subconscious reprogramming method for lasting weight loss, breaking bad habits, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


In this insightful episode of Life-Changing Challengers, host Brad Minus welcomes Richard Trillion Mantey, entrepreneur, speaker, and author of You Will Keep Struggling to Lose Weight Until You Try the Four-Step Method of Losing Weight. Richard shares his battle with weight gain, the struggles of yo-yo dieting, and how he discovered a mindset-based approach to lasting weight loss.

Through extensive research, personal experience, and trial and error, Richard developed a four-step method that shifts the way people think about weight loss, helping them break bad habits, develop sustainable eating practices, and maintain a healthy lifestyle effortlessly.

Episode Highlights

  • [10:00] – Early career in Forex trading and how a sedentary lifestyle led to weight gain.
  • [20:00] – Realizing the dangers of obesity and experiencing shortness of breath and fatigue.
  • [35:00] – The turning point: A stranger calls him “fat” in public, leading to self-reflection.
  • [1:05:00] – Discovering the power of subconscious reprogramming for permanent change.
  • [1:20:00] – Breaking bad habits using the four-step weight loss method.
  • [1:30:00] – Richard’s other book, Money Mindset Reprogram: Your Subconscious Mind for Wealth.
  • [1:40:00] – Upcoming book on longevity and healthy living.

Richard’s Four-Step Method for Weight Loss

  1. Imagination & Visualization – Mentally see yourself at your ideal weight, feel the experience, and internalize success.
  2. Affirmations & Self-Talk – Repeatedly state positive affirmations to train the subconscious mind.
  3. Listening & Audio Programming – Record your goals and affirmations, then listen to them daily to reinforce habits.
  4. Writing & JournalingWrite down weight-loss goals daily to program the brain into making lasting changes.

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Brad Minus: And welcome back to another episode of life changing challengers. Guess what? Ladies and gentlemen, I have Richard Trillion Monte on the line with us today. There he is. And he's an author. He's got the four step method of losing weight, but the full title is you will keep struggling to lose weight until you try the four step method of losing weight by Richard Trillian Monte.

Hey Richard, how you doing? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Fantastic. Thank you for action. How are you doing? 

Brad Minus: I'm doing fabulous now. Thank you very much. So Richard, can you tell us maybe a little bit about your childhood, you know, where you grew up, what was it like to be Richard as a kid? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Yeah, I basically, I was born in West Africa in Ghana, West African Ghana.

I grew up there. I was living there too. I was 14 years old. I came to Canada, but I'm gonna, I'm gonna talk to you a little bit more about when I was in Africa. Cause I came to Canada when I was 14 years old, my life. In Ghana, when I was 14 years old, I was, I was a little stubborn kid. You know, I like to do what I want to do, you know?

And, when you tell me not to do something, I will do what you say that I shouldn't do, but you have to give me a reason why I shouldn't do what you said. If you give me the reason and the reason makes sense, then I will not do it. But if you tell me not to do it. I have to go do it to find out why he's saying I shouldn't do it, you know, so I was really have a mind of my own and basically I'm a curious, by the way, you know, my, my horoscope signs are curious, you know, so.

If you know about horoscope science, I have grades are very, you know, stubborn people, you know, in a good way, you know, put our mind on to something we actually focus and get it done, you know, so I look at it in a very good way. So growing up in Africa, I grew up around five brothers. I have five brothers, you know, so we used to fight a lot, you know, just imagine five boys.

I have one sister. And she's the oldest, you know, so it wasn't really fun, you know, cause it's like a big competition between, the brothers, you know, how brothers, everybody want to be on top, you know, so it was interesting. My mom, my background is religious. I grew up, in a church basically. So I'm, I believe in God, you know, but I'm not.

Somebody I go to church every Sunday, you know, I just have faith that it's good, you know, so both my mom and dad were priests though But they wanted me to be a pastor, but when I grew up I disappointed them I just want to be an author, you know, so my background basically is a Christian. So my first book I ever read Was a Bible, you know, 

so I grew up with five brothers and one sister with a mom. They're both Christians and unfortunately they both passed away. May their soul rest in perfect peace, you know, and they actually brought me up to actually respect people and to love people. And not to, what do you call it? Judge anybody to have a full respect for people.

You know, if you grew up in a Christian religion, you have to have a lot of common sense and respect people, so that's basically my bringing up. So I have like a, a sense of high respect for everybody I meet. I don't judge nobody. I just take people the way they are, so I grew up like that, very respectful family.

And, they taught us to work hard. And to get what you're looking for in life, so I grew up like that and I was there when I was 14 years old, my dad came to Canada and he brought me to Canada. And that's what my journey began. I've lived here in Canada longer than I've lived in Ghana, but my experience that I have in Africa was wonderful.

I wouldn't change that for any other experience because that was my foundation, you know, 

Brad Minus: so, you know what, none of us get out there very often or, and it's actually, we hear more stereotypical. Stuff that comes out of Africa. So can you give us just a little bit of what it was like to, you know, the environment around Ghana 

Richard Trillion Mantey: was, it's not like how he had in America and in Canada, it's actually beautiful.

You know, it's amazing is the people are very loving, you know, Ghana basically. It's one of the best African country to be in it. It's not like how people and I'm going to tell you a story, you know, when I was in Africa, people think that maybe it was a jungle and there's so many animals going around. The first time I saw a lion was in Canada, not in Africa.

You wouldn't believe this. So it's not like. All these animals that most animals I've seen is in Canada or in Africa, you know, so it's not like how they tell a story, you know what I mean? Well, 

Brad Minus: yeah, because our, our stereotypical minds go towards it's either jungle or desert. You know what I mean? And that's it.

But you're telling me that this was a well civilized city. You know, yeah, so that's great. That's, that's the type of things that I love to hear. You know what I mean? Cause we want to break those stereotypes. We don't want to sit there and go, well, every country in Africa, they're in little mud huts and there's animals all over the place.

Or it's a desert and you, you know, if you go three miles outside of town, it's all sand and oases and stuff like that, you know, and snakes and all that there's nothing good there, but no Ghana, as you say, is a very beautiful and civilized. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: And I learned how to speak English in Africa, not here in Canada, but basically all my family, the little kids, nephews, they all speak fluent English.

You wouldn't believe it. 

Brad Minus: Fantastic. See, and that's, those are the type of things we need to, we need to quash those. So, and we wouldn't be able to do that without someone like you. So, anyway, so you get to Canada, you're 14. Where do you, where are you in the next five? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Well, my sister said I'm the last two. 

Brad Minus: Oh, you're okay. So you're towards the baby of the family. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: My brother's here in Canada I got my sister in the United States, Pennsylvania, and I got two of my brothers back in Africa.


Brad Minus: Him often? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Yeah. I talk to him every day and I talk to them. 

Brad Minus: You talk to everybody every day? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: No. The ones that want to talk, I have a 

Brad Minus: conversation 

Richard Trillion Mantey: with 

Brad Minus: How does your sister like living in the States?

Richard Trillion Mantey: She really likes it? The president. I mean, she's happy for it. She's very happy. 

Brad Minus: Good. She I'm I mean, I'm just going to assume that she came in, you know, the right way. Right? She came in the 

Richard Trillion Mantey: right way.


Brad Minus: Yeah. Well, not save. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Is she a citizen or she's just permanent. She's permanent resident. 

Brad Minus: She's fine. She's fine. It's only undocumented. That's the only ones in those. And because they're, it's a crime, you know, we'll get past that here in a minute.

So you, you get to Canada at 14. So you ended, you ended up going to high school in Canada. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Yeah. I went to high school over here and I also went to college and university here, but a nice.

Okay. When I was there, I realized that that's not what I wanted to do, you know, I really want that because I actually, I did business computer system and I was a psychology, but that is not who I am. My, my thing is to inspire, to elevate people, you know, so I don't want to put in one box to go sit in the office and work.

That is just me. I knew what I want to be since I was a kid is to elevate and inspire people to become good. The best of the best. To be the best they can be by themselves. So I realized that, I can do that in going to university and I was grateful to go, but when I finished, I get a job and I was sitting in the office.

I said, this is not for me. So I walk away. Really? 

Brad Minus: I love, I like to elevate people. I'm an endurance coach. That's a side hustle if you want to call it, this is a passion project, but I have a regular job that I do every day.

But just like you said, it doesn't define you. No, it just is, you know, it's the way you put money in your bank account. That's it, you know, and stuff on the food. So if you quit right away, what did you end up doing? I get into a 

Richard Trillion Mantey: trading forest. 

Brad Minus: That for a little while. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: I got into trading force.

I was trying to hide my talent though, because I'm a speaker. I like to be in public and elevating people. So even anywhere I go, like the crowd come around me because I'm an associate person. So you can see when I talk, when I go out, people want to come around me to come and hear me talk.

So it's just who I am. I was born like that. I cannot hide who I am. So I didn't want to come in public, you know? So I was doing trading, try to hide who I am. So I trade, trade, trade. And it's boring because you stay home and you're making money and money is coming in, but they just make you money. And it's like, that's all it is.

So I said, no, this is not for me. I got to go out with it. I know how to trade real good. I was doing crypto. I was doing Forex and I was doing options futures, and all that kind of stuff.

So I was really good at it. I know how to read the chat. I studied this for 25 years. I actually went to school to study that. I had a course in the United States that taught me. So I bought the course and I stayed in it. It became really good. So I know how to trade. And I can even do a course with them, but that's not what I want to do.

I actually want to elevate people to become who they were born to be. People have real issues in life, right? About weight loss and all that stuff. So that's what I'm focusing on right now, you have to focus and put in so much work, you know, it's not like you just come in and you understand it, you have to educate yourself and to become well taught so you don't lose all your money.

Brad Minus: Yeah, no, no, no, I get it. You know, like I said, I coach endurance athletes and I've been doing that for 15 years and that's how I learned. I learned because I was competing, but coaching and competing are totally two different things. And yeah, I had to keep taking courses, keep watching videos, keep looking at the latest research, looking at different case studies, on what, you know, basically it's training theory, 

right things for the right people. So I get it. I totally get it. And that's, you know, people have got their lives changed by the stuff that I talk about, but this is, we're not here to talk about me, we're here to about talk about you. So you're, you were first in a job and then you came back and now you're learning Forex.

So you're basically. Sitting behind a desk, right? And is that how you started realizing that, Oh, you know what, there's some pounds that are starting to come on. Where is this coming from? How did you start feeling like, you were starting to gain the weight that you were talking about?

Richard Trillion Mantey: Yeah, but I was doing the forest and I wasn't going out to do any activities. So you might just imagine you are home, you know, by yourself and you know, going out and doing nothing. You're making money at home. You're comfortable. Eating, overeating, it became a habit and I find myself weighing 224 pounds, you know, and that's the worst thing that ever happened to me and I didn't even realize how big I was.

I didn't realize it. No, I didn't realize it. And I begin to realize that when I was, when I go to bed at night and I, when I'm breathing, I was struggling breathing, it was becoming very heavy. Like it's like you're carrying another body, another person's body on your body, you know? So being overweight.

It's not a good thing. There's so many complication in it. And that's the reason why I'm so passionate about this book here. Because my whole goal is to make people become healthy through this book here. And I hope that they find something or what I'm trying to show them, because I feel like this is going to help them actually change their life.

So I became overweight. And the thing that, bothers me is that one day I was walking down in the park, right? A random person called me, you know, I'm excited to what's going to ask me, then he looked me in the eye and this is what he said to me, he said, dude, you are fat. What? Oh yeah. Just imagine.

This is 

Brad Minus: not, this is not a really good friend. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Just imagine you go in a park and somebody call you and say that to you. 

Brad Minus: Yeah. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: I look when I, I walk a little bit, I look back and say, wow, this guy tell me that.

When I went home, it actually took me a while to get this off my chest. I look myself in the mirror and in fact, I was fat. And I said to myself, this is time for me, to lose weight. So I made up my mind. It is time for me to drop this pound. So that was like something that wake me up because I was breathing, struggling breathing, and I wasn't paying attention.

And even one day I was sitting down with my brother and he told me. I can hear you breathing from that far, but you need to lose weight. But I wasn't listening to them. So I made up my mind to want to lose, lose weight now.

That's why I started the journey about losing weight. 

Brad Minus: Well, that's, I mean, and that's amazing because obviously, obviously you've got a very, you know, strong, thorough mindset because like you said, you know, you went in and you started this job and you're like, Nope, that's not for me. I got to find another way to make money.

You looked at the Forex and he says, okay, well, at least this I can do at home and I'll learn this. And you stuck to it. You said you had a coach. You went straight through it. You learned it. Now you're making enough money to live on, you know, trading Forex. So, and then now all of a sudden you find that you're overweight and now you've made that decision.

So what did you do first? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Yeah, I guess the first thing to do when you know, you find yourself overweight is to go to the gym. So I went to the gym and I start working out. And like I said to you from the very beginning that I'm a very stubborn person and super determined. So I thought this was very easy because.

I'm not somebody I give up that easily. I don't, I don't give up by the way. So I went to the gym and I dropped the pounds down. And what's that happened to me that when I dropped the pounds down in a couple of weeks or a month, I will gain the pound back again, the weight back again. And I'll go to the gym.

I'll lose the pounds in a couple of weeks or a month. I'll gain it back again. So the habit that I have over eating and the mother and I, like I'll go to the gym and I'll go eat food that doesn't suit me to maintain my weight, but I couldn't control it. I could not control it. I even went and take medication to lose weight.

So I was taking some medication and I dropped the weight. And I'll go and eat a certain way eating food. I'm not supposed to eat, but I could not control the food that I eat. It's like, it's like a habit, you know, so you lose the weight. 

The issue wasn't about losing the way. No, the issue about the habit of going to eat those junk food, and getting the way back again. So I'll go eat those food again. I could not control it. It's like this was beyond me. And I will gain the way back and this was going on back and forth, back and forth.

I said, now there's something wrong with this. So I even hire a personal trainer to train me cause I want to go deep to the, so when he trained me, I will lose the weight and I'll go do, I'll go back to my old self, eat all sorts of junk food and gain the weight back again.

So I realized that this, there's more to it than this. So I begin to start reading to find out why people have a certain kind of habit that they can't break through. So I bump into a book that talk about a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. That's how I find out what's happening to me. So, I became aware, which you already know, maybe the fines of your conscious minds, your thinking mind and the subconscious mind is your habitual mind.

So, I have unconsciously program my subconscious mind with a certain kind of word code that was affecting me. Every time I lose the word, it causes me to actually gain the way back again. So I became aware that until I change that program I have inside my subconscious mind, I will keep struggling. That's why I came up with the title of this book.

Brad Minus: Well, that's definitely another way to think about it, because most people would be like, all right, well, let's go into the numbers. You know, that's what I do for me, for my clients. You know, when they tell me that, hey, I'm a little bit over, what can we do? And I'm like, well, I can structure your program. 

So when you're out there and I said, but the rest of it is diet. So let's figure out calories in calories out. Let's see what your RMR is and go from there. But you're talking about strictly reprogramming 

Richard Trillion Mantey: your brain, your brain. So actually, so reprogramming, the thing is that people don't understand how powerful this subconscious mind is.

The subconscious mind is so powerful that it's a million times more powerful than your conscious mind. Okay, let me give you an example about how powerful this is. It's why our habitat form and basically the first time you rode a bike, when you sit on the bike, you went on the side, right? You went on the side.

So this subconscious mind is programmed by repetition. Okay, so when you're doing something over and over and over, it takes a program. So the first time you drove a bike, when you drove the bike, You want to know sideways, but as you keep on going over and over and over and the subconscious might take the program.

Once you take the problem, you become aware of driving a bike straight. So even you could sit on a bike and do so many stuff one hand because the subconscious mind of the program, the same way of driving a car. The first time you learn how to drive a car when you sit in the car for the first time.

Okay. You're uncomfortable. You're looking like that. You don't want to look around, but after a while you do it over and over, it became a program inside your subconscious mind. So when you send the car, that subconscious mind takes over the car, you're driving a car, but you could do so many stuff because it has a program the same way with a weight loss.

You see, the thing is that when you unconsciously program your subconscious mind with some kind of weird goal that you don't know, the subconscious mind is so powerful, it controls 95 percent of your thoughts. So it will cause you willingly to do things that will make you sustain the weight that you unconsciously program it.

This is what has happened to people I was struggling with this and I read there was something behind this. So once I figured this out and change the program, guess what? I didn't struggle anymore. That's why I came up with this book.

Brad Minus: So basically it's because, most of your life or most of while you were there, you would have your certain habits that you did during the day and then every night you would. That was your time, you know, whenever you ate, that's what you ate. So, even though you went to the gym, and you'd lost it all by exercise, but you'd come back and you'd sabotage it, because you'd be eating, things that you shouldn't have eaten.

So you'd go to the gym, you said you'd drop the weight in four or five weeks, did you just stop going to the gym at that point? No, I didn't stop. And then you came back and was it like this or was it consistent, but you would keep gaining it back?

Richard Trillion Mantey: The thing is that when I go to the gym, I'll lose the weight. Okay. When I lose the weight, well, I keep on going. I will lose the weight. Right. I have this habit, that was ingrained in me that I didn't know that was constantly costing me to eat junk food, even though I was going to the gym.

So I forced myself to stay away from the habit by going to the gym. And as I'm going to the gym, I'll start eating this food again. So it wasn't, you see what I'm saying? 

Brad Minus: You were cycling. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: That was a habit.

One thing I realized is that, this thing is so powerful, I want people to become aware of that. That subconscious program that many people that are struggling with weight loss have unconsciously programmed themselves with a Seneca word.

Because when you go to the gym and you come home, every time you stand on the scale, you know how much you weigh. You have that in your mind. When you look at yourself in the mirror. You can see whether skinny or you're overweight. As you are doing this consistently, it programs your subconscious mind.

And that subconscious mind will tell you that until you change this image, I will cause you to eat food that will make you remain as you program it to be. Okay? So when you change that image, it will cause you to do things that will sustain the new image that you program it. So even when you go to the gym this time, you will lose the weight.

But that subconscious mind will influence you to eat food. And do stuff you are not used to doing before that will make you sustain the way that you program it. This is a secret. 

Brad Minus: Interesting. Yeah, I, so 1 of the things that I don't and it's kind of a programming thing, but sometimes what I would do if I'm people would tell me that, hey, coach, you know, I mean, I'm in good shape, but I'm still like, overweight and blah, blah, blah.

And, I'd ask him what the habits are. We figured out. I was like, okay, I'm like, when you're, when you're going to grab something that you know, Is not good for you, you know, like Oreos or a Sunday or something, tell you what, take that before you eat it, go to your bedroom, close the door, strip down to nothing and eat it while looking in the mirror.

Exactly. So when you eat that and you're like, all right, do you deserve this? Are you seeing what you want to see? And how do you, how do you feel now? You know, now they just feel guilty. And there's like 9 times out of 10. They're like, you're right. And I just put it down. But the problem with that is. That it's just like you said you get ingrained in that right now all of a sudden I got some guy that's Ripped six pack, you know, it's like totally like veined out and he's like Eight nine percent body fat.

He looks amazing. But when he looks in the mirror, he doesn't see that No. He sees what he saw before. No matter what. And not as much with men, but with women, more women are like that than men, but men, I have had some men do the same thing. You tell me that you want to lose weight.

And I like, so I bump up their program. So they are burning more calories. And my idea is like, all right, I'll bump up your program so that you you're burning a little bit more calories and you just keep your diet. But they bump up calories, which means they get more hungry because they've exerted more exerted more You know, more calories and now they make up for it, you know, like, Oh, you know, all those, all those excuses, but that's when I tell them, okay, eat your cookies in front of a mirror, eat your cookies in front of a mirror.

If you could do that, then you like what you see and you go from there. So, that's amazing. How can you give us a example or a habit that you got into to start? Just like I said, is to start keeping yourself from those bad habits that you were having eating late at night and so on.

Richard Trillion Mantey: So what I did is that I reprogram my subconscious mind with my new word goal. I wanted. To weigh, 163 pounds. So, when I reprogram it through the steps that I have in my book, this is what happened to me. I'm a guy that like to eat overnight food. Like, I like to eat late at night. This is my habit. I eat big meals, three square big meals.

I couldn't control it. This is just who I am, you know, and I eat a lot and this was my habit. I couldn't break it. So once I reprogram my subconscious mind through those steps that I have in my book, my four step method, what happens to me is that I realized that I lost interest. And eating that way, I was beginning to do things that actually sustain my weight.

I never used to like food. There was one food called a dragon food. 

Brad Minus: Yeah. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Of a sudden I begin to have interest in eating food and doing stuff. I develop a different, complete habit out of nowhere, you know, start eating stuff and doing activities that sustain my weight. And now up to this time, there's a new habit I have.

I can eat a certain way that sustain my weight. It's, it's a part of me now. So it becomes, that's how I knew that this was real. And I even tried to work for my friends and they're overweight and they skinny up. And I said, no, I have to put this in the book.

There's no way people need to know about this stuff here. You know, 

Brad Minus: yeah. No, that's amazing. So basically it's like focusing on the goal and then, and this is, this is some of the things that I even talk about and then you replace it, you replace stuff for you. What was going on was that you were so focused on the goal that you stopped having interest in eating at night, but you ended up subconsciously replacing it with good stuff.

Yep. Yeah. So it's the same, it's the same thing. Like I, like me, I've got a horrible sweet tooth. Horrible, but instead of going after chocolate and stuff like that, I eat watermelon and berries and, you know, and stuff like that. And just a tablespoon of honey.

And that's rare. You know, that's just a rare thing. It's almost like a treat. And yeah, cause I just, I have a, I have a, I have a horrible, horrible sweet tooth. But for me, it's like meat and vegetables, meat and vegetables, meat and vegetables, some fruit and you know what I mean, once in a while, yeah, so, but that's, that's, that's amazing.

So those, these, these four steps, do you want to, do you want to give us what the, just the high level of what those four steps are? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Well, basically we have imagination. Imagination is the first one. The imagination basically is extremely very powerful because there's a secret behind this imagination.

Your subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what is imagined and what is real. Okay, so When you imagine, when you imagine yourself, it takes us a little bit as what you imagine, you know, so when you keep on doing it over and over, you have to like, for instance, like you go in a mirror, look at yourself in a mirror, you have to envision yourself and imagine yourself the size that you want to be.

All the time and all the actors does Jim Carrey used to imagine yourself that, you know, they start with Jim Carrey. So basically you imagine yourself. How about the goal size? How much you want to wait? Imagine yourself fed in your pan, standing on a scale, seeing yourself weighing the size that you want to weigh on the scale, hearing a friend of yours congratulating you saying, wow, or maybe your partner or a kid going, wow, you dropped so much pounds.

Look how much you weigh. So as you keep on doing this consistently, doing everything you want to do, imagination and hear people telling you this stuff here and you see yourself like you're wearing a certain kind of clothes. That never used to fit you going out there. Your friends say, wow, you lost so much weight.

Do this over and over in your mind consciousness, become a habit. You begin to see yourself doing stuff that will sustain you. Basically, all you do is trying to program your subconscious mind to cause you to do things to sustain that way that you program it. But you have to do the work though. 

You know, mean that when you lose this weight, you're not going to, gain the weight back again, because the program is actually going to support you to sustain the weight. 

Brad Minus: So creative visualization, so maybe you creatively envision what you're going to look like.

So that's 2 things that have been very well tested out there and you can check a bunch of studies, creative visualization and starting with the end in mind. So, hey, this is how I want to look and I look in the mirror and I see that I hear. In the background, I hear my friends telling me how great I look and blah, blah, blah so that I'm consciously, you know, hitting my subconscious.

Okay. That's great. That's fantastic. You're right along with all the experts. What, what's number two, 

Richard Trillion Mantey: number two, basically the affirmation. Okay. Affirmation. Basically, you have to write an affirmation. I will give you one affirmation. Basically. You know, just for people here. I mean, you know, basically you can say I'm so happy, grateful and thankful now that I already weigh this much and I'm very, I'm very grateful and thankful.

I'm so happy, grateful and thankful now that I already weigh this much and I'm very grateful and thankful. So you have to write this affirmation and affirm it over and over. So you program the subconscious mind to repetition, affirm and over and over and over in order to become a part of you. Once you become a part of you, it can also cause you.

To actually manifest what you're looking for. So true affirmation. And in the books I talk about step by step, what kind of, I've written so many affirmation data step by step, how to use it to program yourself to accomplish your, your goal. So it's very simple and easy when you have instruction, somebody telling you in the book to follow, you know?

Brad Minus: Perfect. All right. Step number three. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Step number three is basically is a recording and listening. Recording a lesson. Basically, you could program your subconscious mind by recording your own affirmation with your own words and listen to it. So as you are on the way going to work, you play your own voice.

Any voice you're comfortable with. You record it with this affirmation that any affirmation that you want to write about losing weight, everything is written in my book. You play it over and over. Put in a repetition. You can go to bed and listen to it as you go to sleep. To program your subconscious in the best way to program your subconscious mind through sleeping.

So, when you go to bed at night, you can put in your ears and the headphones and go to bed. Watch this program as you go to bed. You know, and early in the morning, when you get up in the morning, or when you're driving your car, you listen to radio, basically, you're trying to program your subconscious mind that will cause you to actually do things that will sustain your weight, that you don't have to fight against your own self, right?

Brad Minus: Yeah. Well, that's awesome. And now with AI, you can get that information read to you by anybody. So I'm going to have my affirmation read to me by Jessica Alba.


Richard Trillion Mantey: The written method, you know, the written within basically what the written method, everything, every time you pick up a pen and you are writing, You're thinking what you're writing, as you're writing, you're programming yourself through writing, very powerful stuff. So, you know how they say, you should write your visions down.

The reason why they tell you to write your vision, because when you write, you're writing to your subconscious mind. People don't, people are not aware of that. So, actually, people, some people, you go to the table, write your vision down all the time, keep on writing it down all the time. As you're writing it down, you are programming yourself through the writing, so you can actually write your affirmation over and over consistently.

I mean, for you to write something, you have to think about it, right? So as you're writing, you're actually programming yourself. 

Brad Minus: So, basically what you're saying is, by following these four steps, Yeah. Because you're, because you're constantly writing in it, but you'll automatically find yourself, Alright, I'm reducing the amount of, amount of food I eat, cause I'm thinking about this.

I, you'll automatically start thinking about, you know, all right, I got to get to the gym. I got to move, you know, where does the, where, where does the handoff, you know what I mean? So basically you're saying, cause like me writing stuff or listening, talking, visualizing, none of that burns calories.

I mean, they do, it's just very small. So where do you find that that translates into going to the gym, changing your diet? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: What it does is that, you know, when I was talking before I told you that I would go to the gym, okay? And I'll lose the weight and I'll gain it back. So the issue isn't about losing the weight.

The issue is the habit. All you're trying to do is that you are trying to break a habit inside your subconscious mind. Okay, because this habit, you condition yourself unconsciously without knowing it. 

You are not even aware of it, and it's programmed into your subconscious mind. And this weird goal, this program, is causing you to do things because the subconscious mind affects 95 percent of your actions, your thinking, your action, your behavior. So it's like, when you have a habit of doing something, you don't need nobody to motivate to go do it.

You just go and do it. Why are you doing that? Because it's a habit that's ingrained in you. So when you change that habit, it causes you to do things that will make you lose the weight. That's the whole point of the book. 

Brad Minus: So the subconscious mind will be like, Hey, this is your goal and you're going to have to do this in order to it.

And then all of a sudden, instead of feeling like I have to go to the gym, it's, I want to go to the gym, my body to the gym because I need to lose these calories. I need to go outside and run. I need to get on my bike. I need to stand up and work instead of sitting down and working.

Richard Trillion Mantey: I have a question for my body 

Brad Minus: This is how you get to that goal. 

Richard Trillion Mantey:

Brad Minus: have 

Richard Trillion Mantey: a question. 

Brad Minus: Go ahead. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: You have a craving of eating a certain way, right? Yeah. You were saying that. Okay. So you say you have a sweet tooth. Okay. So basically that is a habit. So when you decide to want to do that, that's a subconscious mind playing on you to go do what you're supposed to do because that's the habit.

So when you change this habit. It will cost you to do the same your habit that you have with it in that way to do things that so it will become your desire you have the design you to go do it. So when you have that desire, it's easy for you to do it. And even when you lose the weight, you won't have a desire to go junk food no more because you change the program.

Brad Minus: Yeah. Cause then I'll, those new desires will pop up. So this is not only, this is not only a four step method for weight loss, this could be a four step method for learning for, for obtaining that goal position that you want or becoming an entrepreneur or whatever, you just follow this four step method.

That's great. Yep. That's fantastic. But I like that you'd framed it in weight loss because that is like, no, the number one issue that everybody's got. Right? So at the time of this recording, we've just like flipped into 2025. And so we're at that point where everybody's like, okay, I just got off the holidays, feeling this a little bit, you know?

So it's a perfect time for, for anybody to go pick up, you know, Richard's book. You'll keep struggling to lose weight until you try this four step method of losing weight. Salam aleikum. Yeah, and it's on Amazon and we're going to have a, we're going to have a link in the show notes to that and he's got literally, he's got it on Amazon.

He's got it on Barnes and Noble, Google Books, Apple Books. So it's all there. Also it's, he's got a, a website, you know, Richard Munty. Oh, it's Richard T. Monte at dot com, and we'll have that in the show notes as well. 

I'll have those in the show notes as well, but, so what I understand also is that not only do you have this book, but you've just recently finished another book, right? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Yeah. 

Brad Minus: You want to talk to, you want to tell us a little bit about that? 

Richard Trillion Mantey: The book? I'll bring it up over here. There we go.

Brad Minus: Money Mindset Reprogram. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: Your subconscious mind for worked. Nice. Yeah. And this book is also published at Amazon. I have it on my website and it's about you growing up, like me growing up in Africa, you know, you're hearing your parent talking about. You don't have, you don't have, you don't have, you know, and so you're being programmed as a kid growing up from the time you were seven years old, a baby to seven years old by the environment and the people you grow up with and has programmed you, with a certain kind of belief system about money that is affecting you when you grow up as an adult 

go out there, you go to university, you go to college, you're making money, but yesterday you're struggling financially because the environment you grew up in wasn't financially good and it affected your belief system. You know, it's costing you to struggle financially, even though you have a very good job and you're making so much money, but you're not able to accomplish nothing with money.

Every time you get money, something seems to always happen that causes you to lose what you got, so this is also an issue where people, everybody, likes money. That's why we are here. We work together to make money, to elevate each other, to make each other's life better. And so money believes that if your money is not good, and if you're making too much money, you are greedy.

But I'm just here to say just a little bit about this, that money is unlimited and it's good for everybody. And the more you get the money, the more you can help the people around you and to make people's life better. So money is a good thing. So you shouldn't have any money. Believe about how money is not a good thing.

If you, money is a spirit, okay? And if you believe this kind of stuff within your mind, so regarding money, money will not come to you. For example, if you have a wife or a friend and you believe that your wife is not good, or your friend is not good, they won't come around you the same way with money. It just spurts energy.

So you have to have a good mindset regarding money so it can come to you, you know? 

Brad Minus: So basically what you're saying is that if you've kind of grown up in, let's say you grew up middle class, you were comfortable. So you, you had the, you're like, all right, I'm comfortable. I'm not like super rich. I'm not, you know, I'm not Elon Musk.

But I'm also not, you know, I'm not like struggling. So basically what you're saying is as you grow up, then you get to the point where, Alright, I just want to maintain being comfortable. Instead of trying to surpass that and getting, you know, and moving up the ladder.

You end up having, sticking in that mindset. And what this is going to do is help you. Relieve of yourself so you can make that level up, which is what this podcast is all about. It's giving people nuggets of information to help them level up in their lives and reach the potential they want to hit. So these are two books that I believe whether, you know, whether you, if you even are not on a weight loss journey, I think you should pick this up.

And read through, you know, his four steps because I think they'll help you with anything that you're doing. And then of course, you know, pick up the, the money mindset reprogram, your subconscious mind for wealth. Pick that up and then I think they'll, looks like they're going to compliment each other because it's kind of towards the same.

It's moving the same subconscious mind and reprogramming it. So I think that's, I think both of those are fantastic. And you know what, ladies and gentlemen, these aren't like, these are not, you know, none of these are super expensive, you know, the paperbacks there, you know, they're very little and that little bit of an investment could, you know, literally change your life.

That's true. So I think it's definitely worth it. And you know what? So we know, cause just by coaching, right? I've got several methodologies and I've coached several people that have had different methodologies of coaching. Not every methodology works. So this might not work for you straight up, but you bet you'll find a nugget in there.

You'll find one piece there. There'll be one piece in there that all of a sudden you'll implement and you'd be like, okay, that works, but maybe this doesn't, but that one piece will lead you. on your research journey to find what you are looking for. There's no harm in trying, right? Right, right.

Well, that's what you found, right? You kept yo yoing, and then all of a sudden you're like, well, wait, what's the difference here? What's going on? And you learn to change your subconscious. Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I know, 

Richard Trillion Mantey: so I have a future book coming up. Oh, another one. 

Brad Minus: Look at this guy.


Richard Trillion Mantey: I have a book coming up. The future is about long longevity in the future. So look out for that book in a couple of months. I will publish it very soon on Amazon. So longevity, how to stay healthy and live long. So I have that one coming up too. It's very important. This, this, my books, I picked them for a reason.

That's what we need on the planet So look out for that in the future too, on my website and also on Amazon. 

Brad Minus: Excellent. Yeah. So look, look on out for that one's on longevity and then of course these two books and we'll have all of those, links in the show notes, if you're having to come by, this recording much later in the future, still check the show notes because I'll make sure that when that book does come in, I will come back to this episode and I'll put the link in the show notes, unless Richard and I have another discussion, maybe we'll do that as well.

So yeah, that's great. So this is absolutely perfect. I think these are well needed methodologies on both losing weight and then of course changing your mindset for wealth. But mostly about this weight loss method because I think that a lot of us, you know, we are in this yo yo thing and we can't seem to break it.

This will break it. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you for joining us. If you are watching us on YouTube, please go ahead and hit that, like, subscribe and, hit that notification bell so you always know when a new episode is dropping. If you're listening on Apple or, Spotify, go ahead and leave a comment or leave a review.

And I don't even care if it's a bad, if it's a bad review, because it'll always help us evolve. This podcast and who knows, you know, maybe what you tell me, I'll change my subconscious, and reprogram it to make this podcast even better than it is. So Richard, I really appreciate you being here.

Thank you so much for Richard and myself. We'll see you in the next one. 

Richard Trillion Mantey: You 

Brad Minus: for having me.