00:00:01.562 --> 00:00:05.852
And we're back and welcome back to another episode of Life Changing Challengers.
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As always, I'm your host, brad Minus, and I am very lucky to have on the show today Logan Hufford.
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He is a prodigal's sexual addiction mentor.
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So, as you can tell, we're straying off a little bit from our normal episodes of fitness and stuff and we're walking into more of an addiction and coming back from addiction, and Logan's got a great story.
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So I just want to say Logan, welcome, and how are you doing today?
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You're out there in Alaska, right?
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Yes, sir.
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Yeah, I'm doing well, Brad.
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Thank you so much for giving the opportunity to talk with you.
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Oh no, the honor is all mine, Brad.
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Thank you so much for giving the opportunity to talk with you.
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Oh no, the honor is all mine.
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So you're in Alaska, right?
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So this is still summer for you too, right?
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Yep, okay, yeah, we do get beautiful summer days Like right now.
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It's mid seventies.
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It's gorgeous outside Now mid seventies, like I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
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You're not going to catch me in anything more than that.
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This is like hot weather for us, and we also only get maybe 10 to 12 days a year like this oh, okay, yeah, we take them when we get them.
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Yeah, I can imagine and I and if you would have come down here?
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So I'm the total opposite.
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You're like, let's see, if I look at this way, you're like over here in Alaska and I'm down here in Florida, so it's like completely different.
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But just a little anecdote.
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And then I want to get to you.
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But I used to be in the military, I was in Washington DC and I'll never, ever, I'll never, ever forget.
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We had a bunch of people that were what we call PCS and transferring their slot at the Pentagon from Alaska.
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And it was like midwinter and we're all in like wool sweaters and we get, we're all bundled up and stuff.
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These guys come in and they're in shorts and t-shirts and sandals and we're like what the heck is going on.
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But they had come from Alaska, so they were doing PT at 40 below and I was just like that was just crazy to me.
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But it didn't take them long before they start getting cold.
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My brother lived in Tennessee and Georgia and now Arizona and he grew up here and he's the exact same way.
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It was within two years of living in Tennessee.
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He would complain when it would get below 60.
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It's like dude, come on, you lived in Alaska for 20 years.
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And I hear it.
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I grew up in Chicago but we don't have Alaska winters, but we got pretty nasty ones.
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Yeah, yeah, great.
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I got to tell you we were out the golf course at 50s and even like low, really low 50s.
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Right now I can't stand 50s At 50s, I'm like just brimming inside, yeah, but anyway, that's a cool thing to think about, but anyway, that's a cool thing to think about, but anyway.
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So, logan, why don't you start with your childhood?
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Why don't you tell us a little bit about the environment you lived in, what was a complement of your family and what it felt like to be?
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Logan as a kid.
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Yeah, I had a fantastic infrastructure, definitely took it for granted at the time, but had a loving family.
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Both parents raised me baby of five.
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I'm still very close with my siblings to this day.
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Four of us still live in Alaska.
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In fact, I actually work with two of my siblings.
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My parents both live in Anchorage, alaska, which is where I grew up Conservative, for better or for worse, definitely sheltered, not in a crazy way, but definitely sheltered.
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We lived a few miles out.
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Anchorage is a real city.
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It's not a million people or anything like that, a few hundred thousand people.
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It's a legitimate city infrastructure.
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But we were a few miles outside.
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We were like eight to 10 minutes outside of the main street, even like a gas station.
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So we were geographically sheltered and then born and raised in a I hate the term religious because that implies usually a negative connotation but like we were and we went to church, not just culturally but like we were.
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We had a really healthy family, generally speaking of my parents, taught us right from wrong.
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They lived it again, took all this for granted as a kid.
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Right, I didn't like the rules I didn't.
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But I don't think there's ever a time in my life growing up, where I didn't feel safe and loved, which I know now.
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Those are a couple of bold statements, and yet they're true.
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What was the religion that you grew up in?
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If you don't want me to ask.
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Yeah, no, not at all, and it's.
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It's still part of my life, it's just there's ownership of it now recently, versus just as a kid going to church.
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Yeah, non-denominational christian, um beautiful, always been part of my life no, that's great, and then I don't.
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I I think it's a.
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That's something that we need to bring back.
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So we need to get away from that idea that if you grew up in a religious family or you grew up in the church, that it's's a negative connotation.
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So I think this is a good.
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This is a good start.
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We needed more talk about it, that it's the morals and values, but that's neither here nor there.
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So you grew up in the church.
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You had a very loving, loving family.
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Were you into any sports or anything like that?
00:04:58.081 --> 00:05:00.708
Yeah, we as a family loves sports.
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I have always loved sports, still do to this day.
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Grew Loved sports.
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I have always loved sports, still do to this day.
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Grew up playing baseball up until high school.
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Played basketball in high school.
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Just would watch any sport that's on TV, which is.
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It's tough living in Alaska because there's other sports fans in Alaska, but it's not the same.
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We don't have pro teams up here, we barely have a call.
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I mean we have a couple college teams like a division two basketball team.
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We are a couple of division two basketball teams.
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A division two basketball team.
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We are a couple division two basketball teams, a division one hockey team.
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That's it.
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No football other than high school.
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But loved sports always have a big part of my life for sure nice, did you play any um?
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you said baseball.
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You said yeah, just just, I just played low level, but you played organized sports all through, all through my childhood.
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And then, yeah, just basketball in high school.
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But, yeah, you know, pick up basketball, pick up flag football, whatever I can get my hands on.
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Although I'm 33, I'm younger than some, older than some, but I don't get.
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I don't get healthier as I go in terms of my ligaments oh, yeah, no I, yeah, I hear that we can talk off camera about that maybe oh yeah, for sure, for sure.
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So, so what I'm getting at and tell me if I'm wrong here.
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But you said you were.
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You were Anchorage adjacent, or were you actually in the city of Anchorage?
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Yeah, anchorage zip code.
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We were in Anchorage but we, yeah, we lived off of a road, like literally one road up a mountain, and we were eight to 10 minutes outside of like a gas station kind of thing.
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Okay, so was?
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Did you have a lot of people around you?
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Was it like a subdivision or?
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It was a subdivision growing up three decades ago.
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It was much more like rural.
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You might go half a mile at some points without seeing another house.
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Now, every couple acres there's a house.
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Okay, not a lot of kids, though you just took the question.
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You just answered my question.
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I was just about to ask that.
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Well, that's great, that's great.
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So did you?
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Did you end up going to college?
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went to college two classes for one semester, was paying for it out of pocket and quickly was like I'm just, I'm doing this just because that's what you're supposed to do after you graduate.
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I got no, I have no goals or ambitions that are specific to like what am I doing here.
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So, yeah, didn't go back after that one semester.
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Yeah, always enjoyed elements of learning, but definitely like traditional book learning in a school system Not my thing.
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I get that.
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With that same attitude I probably shouldn't have gone to college, but because I definitely learned more outside of it.
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But so I get, I totally, I totally get that.
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So what did you?
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What'd you end up doing after high school?
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Yeah, you had one semester, so yeah, so graduated spring of 08.
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That's, let's see.
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I started selling Cutco knives.
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That was my first job.
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I was 17 years old, actually didn't have a license or a car when I started, which is hard to do.
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It's contrary to popular belief.
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It's like it's not actually a door to door, and door to door up in Alaska is not a good thing.
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Houses are far apart.
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Yeah, I would get rides or ride my bike or whatever I could do to get to a house and did that for several months and developed a love for sales.
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Was was good at it and did that for off and on a little bit, but did that for about a year and then went down to Houston Texas in oh nine.
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So I was 18 and I turned 19 down in Houston Texas in 09.
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So I was 18 and I turned 19 down in Houston.
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So talking about Florida, houston, yeah, just complete opposite, right?
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Giant city, both population and size-wise, obviously went from negative, literally negative 20, because it was one of the coldest winters we'd had in years.
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So it was like negative 10 to 20 every day.
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And then that summer I'm going 100 to 105 degrees.
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And then that summer I'm going 100 to 105 degrees, 95 to 100% humidity every day, going from sheltered living with my parents and my siblings to now I'm living with a bunch of dudes in an apartment complex and I didn't have a bunch of free time.
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I worked long shifts.
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I was doing door-to-door alarm sales down there Me and a bunch of Mormons and it was down there for that summer.
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So there's as we'll get into later, I was it was a pretty pivotal summer and came back to Alaska and I don't want to jump too far ahead because at that point, for better for worse, that's where the story really starts to ratchet up, all right.
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Well, we're going to, and we're just about to do that.
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So, but what was it the job?
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Was it the alarm sales that got you down to Houston?
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Not specifically, definitely not alarm sales specifically.
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There was some allure of you can make fantastic money doing that If you're, you're built for it.
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I loved sales.
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Didn't love door-to-door sales in a hundred degree weather, Did not love that.
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I did a lot of going to find a gas station and go grab a popsicle and go sit in the air conditioning for an hour.
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Was not built for that.
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But yeah, there was an allure of okay, I can make potentially 50, 60, 70 grand in the summer.
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Some guys made six figures that summer.
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I did not, but a big part of it was I could not.
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I told you I've already said a couple of different times how much I took for granted my childhood, right, and so I could not wait to get out of Alaska.
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I could not wait to get away from my family, Not because I hated them or anything, it was just like let me go experience life, Let me go experience something different.
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So and I realized that can be pretty common.
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But now it's like those are not bad things, right, it's like, man, Alaska is a pretty sweet place to live.
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A lot of people are like this is their dream, right, and just totally was like bored by it.
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But yeah, that was the allure was just going out and experiencing something different.
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Yeah, Well, and that's the normal thing, right?
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You get out of high school.
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Now what do you do with your life?
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And if you're not, if you don't have a focus, then you got to explore, find out what happens.
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So that's courageous to jump out of the nest and jump into someplace, and especially negative 20 to hundreds and with a 95% of humidity.
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Yeah, yeah.
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So I, yeah, that was man.
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I can't imagine how bad you felt.
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You must've been just absolutely miserable.
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I just yeah, it was a heck of a thing.
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Yeah, All right, so so you're just on there for the summer.
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Yeah, I was down there for like exactly four months.
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And then you head up, then you head back to, then you head back to Alaska.
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What did you end up doing when you got back to Alaska?
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So went back to doing Cutco, selling Cutco, and ended up meeting within a couple months, meeting young lady named Carrie who would become my wife.
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She did Cutco for like a few months but in that time we crossed paths and job-wise I ended up moving away from that and the nature of Cutco it's you're independent and you can do it as much as or as little as you want.
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And so I still did it a little bit, selling to folks.
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But then I wanted something that was a little bit more structured.
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So I did a little.
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I worked for a coffee delivery service for a few months and then I got into the car business and again similar to Houston, but on a bigger scale.
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Very pivotal, very pivotal move there and definitely not for the better.
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But I did that for quite a long time.
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I was in the car business for 10 and a half years, sold cars for six years.
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What, what, what line did you tell with different lines, or what is it so?
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I sold at Chrysler Dodge Jeep dealership from August of 10 to July of 16.
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I want a Jeep.
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Okay, I have a Jeep Cherokee so I'm cool with that.
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That's great yeah.
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No, I just had some fun.
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There were some cool parts about it, but, yeah, there was a lot of elements that I'll put it this way I try not to be a controlling parent.
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I wouldn't ever want any of my kids to work in the car business.
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Hard pass.
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There's a lot of things that I would be fine with.
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Go experiment, go try this, maybe go try that.
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If they are like dad, I want to go work at a car dealership, I would sit them down and I would have a talk with them for a few weeks.
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Oh, and I'm right there with you.
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I don't.
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The only way that I get to say anything that goes on in my life is when there's a parallel.
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And yes, I lived in arizona and when I got out school, I got a job with an insurance company that was just starting to open up their lines in Arizona.
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So I was like, oh great, I'll be the first one on the ground, I'll be at the ground running blah, blah, blah.
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That didn't work out and for a time period afterwards I sold Hondas and, yeah, I never felt so sleazy in my life and nothing.
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About 10 and a half years.
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I get that right, but I just the way that it was back then.
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Now you're talking about times when there isn't computers.
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There's not ways to use the internet to find your people.
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Basically, they walked in and they didn't buy a car.
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Then you got their number and you just kept badgering them until they came back in to buy a new car and it just yeah, just at the time.
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I just felt it just didn't feel right.
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I didn't long for it.
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It didn't last long for me, again, not to jump ahead as I share my story, that this will gain a more full-bodied context, but not joking, when I talk about, when I think about when I got out of the car business, it's, I literally think about it and refer to it as a guy getting out of prison.
00:13:59.086 --> 00:14:00.090
Yep, that's when I got out.
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There's zero desire ever to basically step foot in a dealership, let alone work there again.
00:14:09.985 --> 00:14:11.048
Yeah, I, yeah, I only can imagine so.
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But this is.
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This is 10 and a half years.
00:14:13.937 --> 00:14:15.139
Is your turning point, right?
00:14:17.465 --> 00:14:17.946
it's yeah.
00:14:17.946 --> 00:14:22.015
So there's the first six years, as I'll get into.
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The first six years was basically not because of the car business I'm not blaming that but it was basically a hell on earth period for me and my family, as I my life just became this hell on earth Still was in the car business for four and a half years, was able to get out of the floor, and I worked in finance for four and a half years but still couldn't wait to get out of the industry, even though it was a little bit different environment.
00:14:47.546 --> 00:14:48.669
Yeah, at least in the finance.
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And that was that's what we all wanted, right?
00:14:50.101 --> 00:15:00.484
Everybody wanted to be okay, you're going to, you're going to pay your dues on the floor, get to sit behind a desk and you're not trying to make the sale, you're just trying to do the upsells and you're doing the financing.
00:15:00.484 --> 00:15:02.506
So yeah, so no, you got to that point.
00:15:02.527 --> 00:15:11.052
That's what we all thought was going to be the greatest part, but all right, well, so they got to open the doors and close the doors and close the gate and drop the alarm and yeah, exactly.
00:15:11.373 --> 00:15:15.106
And then where you, and where those were the people that you went to, right, do you get to the finance people?
00:15:15.106 --> 00:15:16.510
Hey, can we get this done?
00:15:16.510 --> 00:15:25.880
What do we need?
00:15:25.880 --> 00:15:26.702
What do we need to get this done?
00:15:26.702 --> 00:15:29.730
That's that was our, that was the big, that was the vocabulary, the jargon, that was going on, yeah, so, yeah, I thought that was great.
00:15:29.730 --> 00:15:31.553
So, all right, I let's roll into this.
00:15:31.553 --> 00:15:32.976
So did you not say, do you realize?
00:15:32.976 --> 00:15:42.562
But did your behavior start before these, this, the sexual addiction behaviors, just that beginning, started that start prior to you getting into the car business?