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From Rural Roots to Wellness Revolution: Angela Beyer's Transformative Health Journey

In the podcast episode “From Rural Roots to Wellness Revolution: Angela Beyer’s Transformative Health Journey,” health coach and trainer Angela Beyer shares her compelling story, beginning with her upbringing in a traditional rural German village. She recounts her transition from an active lifestyle to experiencing weight gain and an eating disorder due to societal pressures and media influence on self-perception. Angela advocates for endurance sports over weightlifting, emphasizing strength over unnecessary weight loss. She highlights the importance of patience, consistency, and building a positive relationship with food, detailing her nutrition strategy that includes low glycemic index carbohydrates and avoiding sugar and flour due to past binge eating struggles.

Angela also discusses the significance of self-awareness regarding trigger foods and individual tolerances, including her thoughts on artificial sweeteners like Stevia and aspartame. Her journey took her from Germany to the United States, where she transformed through bodybuilding, eventually winning Miss Universe in 2009. Transitioning from banking to becoming a health coach, Angela found joy in helping clients achieve healthy milestones, focusing on education and empowerment.

The episode covers her experience at the Chicago Marathon, running with Karen to an impressive finish time, which inspired Angela to consider coaching despite lacking formal qualifications. She shares success stories of guiding clients through weight loss and athletic achievements, stressing the importance of creating healthy routines, meal planning, and balanced diets. Emphasizing the role of heavy weight lifting and intense workouts in losing body fat and improving muscle quality, Angela underscores the importance of protein intake and tracking progress. The episode concludes with Angela’s contact information, offering her services to help reset metabolism and promote overall health.

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Life-Changing Challengers

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Embark on a transformative journey with Angela Beyer, a health coach whose own battles and victories with body image and nutrition have shaped her into an inspiring advocate for wellness. Angela's story is one that began amidst the serenity of rural Germany, where her early life's simplicity set the stage for the challenges she would face in adulthood. Struggles with weight gain, societal pressures, and an eating disorder evolved into a powerful narrative of self-discovery, education, and eventual triumph. Her transition from a nutritionist to a passionate coach showcases the resilience and dedication toward not just changing her own life, but also inspiring others to do the same.

This episode isn't merely a conversation; it's a masterclass in transforming your relationship with food, exercise, and yourself. Angela generously shares her strategies, from managing carbs to recognizing personal triggers, which are vital for anyone looking to create a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. We also pull back the curtain on the emotional rollercoaster of competitive endeavors, from Angela's Miss Universe experience to her fulfilling career shift to personal training. Her heartfelt stories of coaching, including guiding a client to a dramatic marathon time improvement, highlight the immeasurable joy derived from empowering others on their health journeys.

As we conclude our time with Angela, she extends an open invitation to anyone seeking guidance on their path to wellness. With practical tips on meal prepping, planning, and fostering metabolic flexibility, Angela equips listeners with the tools needed to take control of their health. Her contact details, including her Instagram handle, healthcoachangela, and her website,, are your gateway to connecting with a community of support. Angela's monthly three-day challenges promise to energize your routine and reset your metabolism. Remember, your first step towards a healthier you is just one conversation away.

Contact Angela
Facebook: @angela.beyer.129
Instagram: @healthcoachangela

Contact Brad @ Life Changing Challengers
Facebook: @bradaminus
X(Twitter): @bradaminus
YouTube: @lifechangingchallengers


00:26 - Angela Beyer's Journey to Health

11:02 - Navigating Body Image and Nutrition

17:38 - Nutrition, Eating Disorders, and Career Journey

32:59 - From Miss Universe to Personal Trainer

40:51 - Journey of Coaching Transformation

47:36 - Planning and Prepping for Healthy Habits

58:03 - Health Coach Angela's Contact Information



00:00:01.141 --> 00:00:08.573
All right, we're back for another episode of Life-Changing Challengers, and I am super honored to have Angela Beyer with me.

00:00:08.573 --> 00:00:17.335
She is a renowned trainer and professional health coach that has had a specific journey herself, which is what we're going to hear about today.

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So welcome, Angela, and thank you so much for joining us.

00:00:21.539 --> 00:00:23.326
Well, thank you for having me, Brad.

00:00:23.326 --> 00:00:24.570
I'm super excited to be here.

00:00:26.620 --> 00:00:29.885
I am too, and of course, I have no idea what's going on with me today.

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This is just like killing me.

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I'm going to pause, okay.

00:00:35.585 --> 00:00:38.594
So, angela, I always ask the same question to everybody.

00:00:38.594 --> 00:00:42.950
Can you give us a little bit about where you grew up?

00:00:42.950 --> 00:00:44.656
What was the compliment to your family?

00:00:44.656 --> 00:00:45.780
What was your childhood like?

00:00:47.042 --> 00:00:53.054
Okay, my childhood, yeah, I would say I grew up very differently than most people in the US.

00:00:53.054 --> 00:01:15.114
I'm born and raised in Germany and I grew up in a very rural environment, like we had, like I grew up in a village, that's how I grew up and and we had, like horses, I was horseback riding, very active child, very traditional concert, like, yeah, family, conservative, and how can I explain it?

00:01:15.114 --> 00:01:34.093
Like I was never exposed to any processed food, or, yeah, I, to be honest with you, if I was hungry, my mom said, go outside in the garden and look for carrot and I pulled it out of the ground, washed it and ate it Like it was a very, yes, very different than, yeah, in the US.

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And I, like I said we, because of the horses stupid example too, but it's funny we made our own oats, oats for the for Christmas.

00:01:45.608 --> 00:01:50.188
So we had a field of oats and I just grabbed a handful for breakfast and I ate it.

00:01:50.188 --> 00:01:54.079
That was my breakfast, very wholesome, natural.

00:01:54.079 --> 00:02:01.334
I didn't have any sodas, like this was something special, like for Christmas, or something like that.

00:02:01.334 --> 00:02:04.628
We, yeah, just not exposed to any of it.

00:02:04.647 --> 00:02:08.318
And, and, like I said, a very traditional, conservative family.

00:02:08.318 --> 00:02:18.322
And what happened when you grow up in my teenage years I always wanted to, you know, like impress my dad, my mom.

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I always wanted to live up to the expectations.

00:02:21.132 --> 00:02:31.989
And back in the days I remember that, like when I finished school, my dad actually said I have three choices I become a nurse, a teacher or a secretary.

00:02:31.989 --> 00:02:34.532
That's it, that's what you're going to do.

00:02:34.532 --> 00:02:37.474
And I'm like, okay, well, that's what.

00:02:37.474 --> 00:02:53.373
Like I said very, yeah, traditional, and yeah, he wanted just to have a good job and like that I can make a living and find a husband and have kids and just yeah, it was pretty much programmed.

00:02:53.655 --> 00:02:55.622
And I never quite brothers or sisters.

00:02:55.622 --> 00:03:00.396
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interfere, okay yeah, it is.

00:03:00.396 --> 00:03:02.361
Do you have an impact on your life as well?

00:03:02.361 --> 00:03:06.627
My brother is yeah, you talked about your mom and your dad.

00:03:06.627 --> 00:03:08.806
I was just wondering since you have a brother, did he have an impact?

00:03:09.269 --> 00:03:11.747
Oh, yeah, I was always with my brother.

00:03:11.747 --> 00:03:17.707
We are like one year apart, one and a half apart, so I cannot remember a time without him.

00:03:17.707 --> 00:03:18.925
We talk every day.

00:03:18.925 --> 00:03:22.550
He's pretty amazing Hard worker and he's still in Germany.

00:03:22.550 --> 00:03:24.383
He helps out my mom.

00:03:24.383 --> 00:03:30.824
My dad passed away and, yeah, he's special, very special.

00:03:30.824 --> 00:03:32.106
I love him.

00:03:32.106 --> 00:03:44.563
So, yeah, he became like a car mechanic and got his master's in repairing cars Again, traditionally, he has his own shop all down to earth.

00:03:44.563 --> 00:03:48.366
He was more into motocross and car racing.

00:03:48.366 --> 00:03:49.888
He was always the car guy.

00:03:50.527 --> 00:03:54.730
So I was always into sports, always doing something.

00:03:54.730 --> 00:04:00.314
If it was gymnastics or running, jumping, you name it, I did it.

00:04:00.314 --> 00:04:04.177
Playing tennis, I was just loving to be active.

00:04:04.177 --> 00:04:07.382
Like I said, I did a lot of horseback riding.

00:04:07.382 --> 00:04:08.683
So that was like my growing up.

00:04:08.683 --> 00:04:22.803
And while I finished school, became a banker and again pretending to, yeah, I just wanted to live up to the expectations and I never questioned it and I never asked anything.

00:04:23.345 --> 00:04:24.327
What happens too?

00:04:24.327 --> 00:04:35.949
In that time I gained a lot of weight from being super active and then going to college and getting into the workforce I was not active anymore and I gained a lot of weight.

00:04:35.949 --> 00:04:37.024
Very typical.

00:04:37.024 --> 00:04:40.829
We know it all and what I did, unfortunately.

00:04:40.829 --> 00:04:45.290
I just tried different diets.

00:04:45.290 --> 00:04:49.259
I just went all crazy and I just pushed myself.

00:04:49.259 --> 00:04:54.824
And it's a funny thing when you start your first diet and you see success, that's what happened to me.

00:04:54.824 --> 00:05:09.387
You get compliments and you're like, oh my God, you look fantastic and then you just dial it up a notch and dial it up a notch and you don't even realize that you're actually developing an eating disorder Like this is how it happened in my case.

00:05:09.387 --> 00:05:19.521
I just ate less and less and less and I got just very skinny and I overexercised because I'm like, oh, I gotta get this off.

00:05:19.521 --> 00:05:23.187
And it's always again to the outside.

00:05:23.187 --> 00:05:38.014
You want to look perfect, you want to have the approval, you want to look good at work, you want to always present a certain picture, what was around you, the pressure of society.

00:05:38.014 --> 00:05:49.505
Basically, I was so consumed with getting approval from everybody that I didn't even realize I was eating myself up literally and I overexercise to.

00:05:49.805 --> 00:05:54.213
I mean, I started out in the morning with a 10K to warm up.

00:05:54.213 --> 00:06:05.836
Then I went to work every day, yeah, and then in the afternoon I met my best friend, the Stairmaster, and I was 60 to 90 minutes on the Stairmaster and then I did group classes.

00:06:05.836 --> 00:06:08.105
If there was something, yeah, it was insane.

00:06:08.105 --> 00:06:16.589
And I, like I said, reduced my food intake so I went down to like a very dangerous weight.

00:06:16.589 --> 00:06:28.408
And what happened was I remember that at a mountain bike ride I was mountain biking with my boyfriend at the time Very intense Again, there was no mercy, he didn't care, he wanted to.

00:06:28.408 --> 00:06:31.589
Yeah, it was again this pressure, oh, you can do it.

00:06:31.589 --> 00:06:47.024
And I literally remember that I felt like something warm around my nose, so I started nose bleeding climbing up a hill and then I felt I couldn't breathe anymore and my lung literally just collapsed and I passed out.

00:06:47.567 --> 00:06:48.108
Oh, my God.

00:06:48.670 --> 00:06:48.971

00:06:48.971 --> 00:06:55.781
Then I woke up in the hospital and of course, the first question was if I know how much I weigh.

00:06:55.781 --> 00:07:06.250
And the doctors didn't let me go on a scale and they were convinced that I had major issues and yada, yada, and I didn't even see it that way.

00:07:06.250 --> 00:07:12.086
Yes, I did have major issues, but I was like I'm fine, I'm fine, I wanted just to leave the hospital.

00:07:12.086 --> 00:07:17.767
And that was the first breakdown I had and I said okay, I can't continue doing this.

00:07:18.459 --> 00:07:23.151
I lost all my friends by being on this frenzy of weight loss.

00:07:23.151 --> 00:07:26.107
And, like I said, I tried every diet, you name it.

00:07:26.107 --> 00:07:35.500
Like I did it the no fat, the Atkins, the, whatever it was, whatever I found in a magazine, what promised a quick result.

00:07:35.500 --> 00:07:37.084
I was trying and doing.

00:07:37.084 --> 00:07:41.612
And depression, anxiety, I had it all.

00:07:41.612 --> 00:07:44.221
It was rough times, lost all my friends.

00:07:44.221 --> 00:07:53.666
I was very lonely at the time and the interesting thing, what I remember about this whole thing is that I was consumed with food, even though I didn't eat it.

00:07:53.666 --> 00:07:55.468
It was the funniest thing.

00:07:55.468 --> 00:07:56.809
All I was't eat.

00:07:56.809 --> 00:08:00.531
Your body at one point will get its food.

00:08:00.531 --> 00:08:15.932
You can have whatever willpower you want, At one point it will break and you will go and eat.

00:08:17.160 --> 00:08:17.942
Oh, I can imagine.

00:08:17.942 --> 00:08:29.689
So just to step back just a minute, because you had mentioned that in Germany that you were pretty much I don't want to say segregated, that's a bad word but you were in rural.

00:08:29.689 --> 00:08:35.471
So you basically had your family, right, you had your family, you had the farm, you had the horses and that's pretty much it.

00:08:35.471 --> 00:08:47.140
So were you exposed to anything outside of that TV, radio, magazines, anything like that while you were growing up?

00:08:47.922 --> 00:08:49.304
Yeah, but very limited.

00:08:49.304 --> 00:08:55.434
I mean no computer games, no social media, nothing.

00:08:55.434 --> 00:08:58.706
I watched TV, but it wasn't really interesting to me.

00:08:58.706 --> 00:09:02.245
I was always, to be honest with you, more interested in education.

00:09:02.245 --> 00:09:04.033
I wanted to learn.

00:09:04.033 --> 00:09:09.586
I always wanted to experience new things and, like I said, I was more into sports.

00:09:09.586 --> 00:09:13.933
So that was like my happy place, so to speak.

00:09:13.933 --> 00:09:17.888
That's where I felt comfortable being active and doing something.

00:09:17.967 --> 00:09:22.024
Yeah yeah, and you're gonna see where I'm going with this, okay, so all right.

00:09:22.024 --> 00:09:27.594
So you get to college and now do you find a like a culture shock?

00:09:27.594 --> 00:09:32.192
Because now I imagine that now you're exposed to a lot of these other things.

00:09:32.960 --> 00:09:58.575
Well, I felt pressure and overwhelmed and, like I said, I wanted to make friends and I thought the look is important, like how I look is the way of getting friends, and I always thought like I'm not good enough and I can like, yeah, build a friendship on impressing other people just by how I presented myself.

00:09:58.595 --> 00:10:00.197
Yeah, I see that.

00:10:00.197 --> 00:10:04.067
So, yeah, you're starting to see where I'm going, right, so you're not exposed.

00:10:04.067 --> 00:10:19.062
Now you're exposed to all this and now you to, like you said, find friends and stuff was, did you find a symbiosis with what now you were seeing in the culture you know, far past your rural, where you grew up in the rurally?

00:10:19.062 --> 00:10:21.085
Now, all of a sudden you're exposed to all this.

00:10:21.085 --> 00:10:27.844
Would you say that played a big part in you wanting to, to attain these friends this way?

00:10:27.844 --> 00:10:33.163
Or did you feel like that was just because of the way you grew up, that it was rural, it was lonely?

00:10:33.163 --> 00:10:37.600
Now you've got a ton of you, got a ton of people around you, so that's how that came about.

00:10:37.600 --> 00:10:48.613
Or so is there a relationship between, like, being exposed to tv now, your magazines and all this stuff and the reason why you started to wanting to impress everybody?

00:10:50.140 --> 00:10:54.072
Well, I think it was more that I was a very insecure person.

00:10:54.072 --> 00:10:57.370
I was living my authentic self.

00:10:57.370 --> 00:11:02.866
I didn't know where my place was in the world, so to speak.

00:11:02.866 --> 00:11:12.327
Okay, and I well, again, I saw magazine pictures, I saw all this stuff and I'm like, wow, they look really good.

00:11:12.327 --> 00:11:14.192
Well, what's happening with me?

00:11:14.192 --> 00:11:16.942
I always saw myself as not looking good.

00:11:16.942 --> 00:11:20.047
I'm like, well, hey, wait a minute, what's this?

00:11:20.047 --> 00:11:29.745
I have to step up and up, like I have to tell myself to to get to that point, you know, and yeah, that's how I was.

00:11:29.745 --> 00:11:34.234
Oh, my God, the fitness magazines I read, yeah, tons of them, yeah.

00:11:35.201 --> 00:11:36.808
So that, yeah, so that's exactly.

00:11:36.808 --> 00:11:38.437
And that's where I see what's going on today.

00:11:38.437 --> 00:11:40.201
Like you know, I've got clients myself.

00:11:40.201 --> 00:11:41.761
I go at about it a different.

00:11:41.761 --> 00:11:43.942
I go about it a different way than you do.

00:11:43.942 --> 00:11:45.384
And's just a different vehicle.

00:11:45.384 --> 00:11:52.288
You've got weights and bodybuilding and nutrition and that sort of way I go with it, just in a different vehicle, using endurance sports.

00:11:52.288 --> 00:11:56.390
Not that much different, just a different methodology.

00:11:56.491 --> 00:12:19.489
And that's it, especially because I also coach high school that the girls are like oh, you know, I'm looking at you know these magazines or they're looking online and stuff, and they see these beautiful women that have a certain bone structure, not to mention Photoshop, and they start to, you know, they ask me hey, coach, how can I drop a few pounds, how can I do this?

00:12:19.489 --> 00:12:21.241
And I'm like no, you don't need to do that.

00:12:21.241 --> 00:12:27.201
You're strong and you are in, you're excelling, so why would you change anything?

00:12:27.201 --> 00:12:42.207
Well, I don't look this way and I'm like so I wanted to clarify that this is not, this is not, you know, out of the norm, you know, and that's and even to somebody, that's professional, right, we see that, but you turned it around, okay.

00:12:42.207 --> 00:12:47.682
So you wake up in the hospital and they are probably telling you that you've got a needing disorder.

00:12:47.682 --> 00:12:48.945
What happens after that?

00:12:50.107 --> 00:12:54.163
So I was very fortunate that I had a lot of support on my parents.

00:12:54.163 --> 00:13:10.508
So I said I'll fix this myself and I went to a nutrition school and I actually, after work, I went back to school and I learned to be a nutritionist in Germany, got my license just to learn everything about nutrition.

00:13:10.508 --> 00:13:11.630
So I know what to do.

00:13:11.630 --> 00:13:14.544
I'm like I'm not messing around with this.

00:13:14.544 --> 00:13:19.462
I have to get and again, if I do something, it has to be 100%.

00:13:19.462 --> 00:13:23.311
So now I'm not doing some crazy diets anymore.

00:13:23.311 --> 00:13:24.113
I want to know.

00:13:24.113 --> 00:13:25.625
I want to know the science behind this.

00:13:25.625 --> 00:13:25.849
I want to crack the code and I want to do it the diets anymore.

00:13:25.849 --> 00:13:25.854
I want to know.

00:13:25.854 --> 00:13:26.183
I want to know the science behind this.

00:13:26.183 --> 00:13:29.370
I want to crack the code and I want to do it the right way.

00:13:29.370 --> 00:13:30.312
And that's what I did.

00:13:31.260 --> 00:13:34.331
So some people go out and hire nutritionists.

00:13:34.331 --> 00:13:39.465
You say, screw it, I'm going to become one and that's how I'm going to fix myself.

00:13:39.465 --> 00:13:40.649
That's amazing.

00:13:42.440 --> 00:13:43.379
But that's how I did it.

00:13:43.379 --> 00:13:44.160
I'm like, ok.

00:13:44.160 --> 00:13:46.020
Then I started food journaling.

00:13:46.020 --> 00:13:49.682
I started to write down what I ate.

00:13:49.682 --> 00:13:51.942
I got my macros down.

00:13:51.942 --> 00:13:56.004
I wrote down the emotions, how I felt after I ate.

00:13:56.004 --> 00:14:05.695
I started journaling my workouts Actually, yeah, yeah, setting goals and comparing with this food intake.

00:14:05.695 --> 00:14:10.291
This is how my performance changed With this food intake.

00:14:10.291 --> 00:14:11.796
This is how my body changed.

00:14:11.796 --> 00:14:31.895
So I started actually journaling and documenting everything for myself that I learned how it works, what happens if I reduce the carbs a little, what happens if I put more carbs in, what happens if I play around with the protein intake.

00:14:31.895 --> 00:14:35.144
And I wrote down this is how my muscle grew.

00:14:35.144 --> 00:14:37.668
This is how I was able to train more.

00:14:37.668 --> 00:14:48.443
So I learned how to sculpture my body, and my body became actually like it's like artwork.

00:14:48.443 --> 00:14:52.631
People paint pictures and I started to create a body.

00:14:54.836 --> 00:15:05.639
So you felt like the journaling and doing the comparison that really gave you the ability to see what was going on inside your body with certain macros.

00:15:06.524 --> 00:15:06.865

00:15:06.865 --> 00:15:09.231
So I literally self-studied.

00:15:09.231 --> 00:15:14.947
I was my own how can I say like experiment not experiment.

00:15:14.947 --> 00:15:32.818
But I just, like I said, other people just paint pictures and I created, or my body was my canvas and I started sculpting and I saw what's possible and I was pushing myself again, like I was pretty good at it and I figured it out.

00:15:32.938 --> 00:15:37.229
And it's something also, what nothing comes quick.

00:15:37.229 --> 00:15:42.938
You need patience, you need to dial it in and see what goes on.

00:15:42.938 --> 00:15:49.028
And this is not something what happens in three days, 10 days or whatever you know back in the day.

00:15:49.028 --> 00:15:50.773
So they call those crazy diets.

00:15:50.773 --> 00:15:52.557
No, it's a lifestyle.

00:15:52.557 --> 00:15:58.461
This is what I learned in that time and this is something what I have to do on a daily base.

00:15:58.461 --> 00:16:06.197
This is nothing or you fix it and you're done, and it's something what you want to do for the rest of your life.

00:16:06.197 --> 00:16:11.535
So you have to find a way to enjoy this and be in a happy place.

00:16:11.535 --> 00:16:22.024
So that was the first time I actually was in a happy place, because I felt the energy, I felt the success and I was enjoying my food.

00:16:22.024 --> 00:16:24.927
That was when I built a healthy relationship.

00:16:26.807 --> 00:16:27.849
Ah, that makes sense.

00:16:27.849 --> 00:16:33.572
Now You're able to actually build a relationship with food, that was a positive.

00:16:33.572 --> 00:16:43.999
And now that you had more of a connection, knowing what max work with what workout would actually get you to the best performance, yes, so can you give us just a couple of things, and maybe what you found was what workout would actually get you to the best performance?

00:16:43.999 --> 00:16:49.861
So let's, can you give us just a couple of things and maybe what you found them?

00:16:49.861 --> 00:16:50.602
Hopefully you remember.

00:16:50.602 --> 00:17:00.984
It's like so if you were going to be doing cardio the next day, would you like change your carbs for the day before?

00:17:00.984 --> 00:17:02.551
Would it be the day of?

00:17:02.551 --> 00:17:03.870
How does that work?

00:17:03.870 --> 00:17:10.346
And then, of course, then, if you decide, if you were going to be doing a strength training the following day, would you increase your protein, reduce the carbs?

00:17:10.346 --> 00:17:11.631
How would that work for you?

00:17:12.654 --> 00:17:12.894

00:17:12.894 --> 00:17:38.980
So what I did, what was very successful in my case, I had low carb days on days where I didn't work out, and well, I had different formulas, but I had a workout plan where the days I worked out I had a higher carb day and the days I didn't work out I had a lower carb day and my protein intake was always the same amount with every meal.

00:17:38.980 --> 00:17:40.585
That was non-negotiable.

00:17:40.585 --> 00:17:42.807
I always had the same protein intake.

00:17:42.807 --> 00:18:04.423
Then what I also tried was very successful I had six days a low carb day and then the evening before, like I did one, I picked one day where I had a longer cardio day, like I went on a run or something, and I did a carb load meal the evening before, and it was wonderful.

00:18:08.530 --> 00:18:09.232
I can imagine.

00:18:15.424 --> 00:18:16.828
Yeah, but they don't like clean stuff sweet potato, oatmeal, bananas.

00:18:16.828 --> 00:18:17.871
You know it was just a carb load meal.

00:18:17.871 --> 00:18:22.301
What I hate and what I don't like is if people talk about cheat meals.

00:18:22.301 --> 00:18:28.575
I never had a good experience with cheat meals, meaning that one meal where I eat whatever I want.

00:18:28.575 --> 00:18:30.028
What happened to me?

00:18:30.028 --> 00:18:42.553
I tried that and out of a cheat meal became a cheat day where I started in the morning and I kept eating all day and that was one meal and I'm like, okay, I can't handle this.

00:18:42.553 --> 00:18:47.292
This is not good for me and I'm not a cheater, so I'm not doing a cheat meal done with that.

00:18:47.292 --> 00:18:51.471
So I canceled that out of my life and it was very helpful.

00:18:51.471 --> 00:18:55.276
I just have, like I said, a higher carb meal when it makes sense.

00:18:55.276 --> 00:19:02.718
You have to earn your carbs and otherwise I don't have high carb meals, but I always have them in every meal.

00:19:02.718 --> 00:19:09.968
So for me a threshold is like 50 to 60 grams of carbs per meal.

00:19:09.968 --> 00:19:11.131
That's where I can handle very well.

00:19:11.131 --> 00:19:15.038
The lowest I go is probably 30 grams of carbs.

00:19:15.885 --> 00:19:16.165

00:19:16.847 --> 00:19:24.128
That's low and other than that I don't go very much higher than that with the carbs and always low glycemic index.

00:19:24.128 --> 00:19:25.251
I don't spike.

00:19:25.251 --> 00:19:40.105
My body doesn't handle it well if I spike up the carbs and have a high blood sugar and then I don't play around with that, like with the insulin and before and after workouts to get the blood sugar up or something.

00:19:40.105 --> 00:19:42.386
It's not beneficial for my body.

00:19:42.386 --> 00:19:45.189
I know other people have a lot of success with that.

00:19:45.189 --> 00:19:49.131
I don't do well with it but it could be because of my background.

00:19:49.131 --> 00:19:53.294
I have to be very careful with my sugar and flour intake.

00:19:53.294 --> 00:19:59.057
These are foods with trigger so I can't do the roller coaster.

00:19:59.057 --> 00:20:00.659
I have to be very balanced.

00:20:02.599 --> 00:20:03.560
I see, I see.

00:20:03.560 --> 00:20:06.702
So that's interesting.

00:20:06.702 --> 00:20:07.983
So is that?

00:20:07.983 --> 00:20:10.305
So I want to delve into that a little bit.

00:20:10.305 --> 00:20:12.971
So you said flour, sugar, that type of thing.

00:20:12.971 --> 00:20:13.874
Is that a?

00:20:13.874 --> 00:20:15.766
Is that medical, or is that you said?

00:20:15.766 --> 00:20:19.296
Is that your trigger that just kind of makes you just keep going.

00:20:20.184 --> 00:20:24.377
Exactly that's, I think, from having that eating disorder.

00:20:24.377 --> 00:20:31.133
Like I said, I was restricting myself, I was not eating, binge eating, and I can eat a lot of food.

00:20:31.133 --> 00:20:34.459
Yeah, so that's a trigger.

00:20:34.459 --> 00:20:35.846
Food Can't do.

00:20:35.846 --> 00:20:41.436
As soon as I get to that like foods, I can't stop.

00:20:41.436 --> 00:20:42.137
You know what I'm saying?

00:20:42.137 --> 00:20:47.490
Like it triggers and then I'm having a hard time and I just don't expose myself to it.

00:20:47.490 --> 00:20:49.796
That's not uh kind of self.

00:20:50.417 --> 00:20:57.714
So maybe one or one of the tenants you kind of maybe teach I don't know, because I do it too is self-actualization.

00:20:57.714 --> 00:21:13.490
You know that those things give you trigger you, so you're like I reduce them, reduce them very a lot, you know, you make sure that you don't have them or you cut them out completely I cut them out completely, yeah and is that a tenant that you?

00:21:13.490 --> 00:21:15.154
Is that the tenant that you teach as well?

00:21:16.366 --> 00:21:20.694
no, because everybody is different and everybody has a different susceptibility.

00:21:20.694 --> 00:21:23.487
Uh, it depends on the person.

00:21:23.487 --> 00:21:28.027
I have a lot of clients who are I would call sugar addicts.

00:21:28.027 --> 00:21:32.635
They go through the same thing, but some it doesn't bother them at all.

00:21:32.635 --> 00:21:35.130
For example, I'm good with stevia.

00:21:35.130 --> 00:21:36.837
I can use stevia as a sweetener.

00:21:36.837 --> 00:21:37.602
It doesn't trigger me.

00:21:37.602 --> 00:21:40.790
I have clients that triggers them, can't even use stevia.

00:21:40.790 --> 00:21:47.247
So, like I said, that's very personal and that's my personal story, so I can only tell how I feel with this.

00:21:47.247 --> 00:21:52.705
My clients are all different and I dial them in depending on what goes on in their life.

00:21:52.946 --> 00:21:54.751
Yes, that's crazy.

00:21:54.751 --> 00:21:56.698
I personally can't stand stevia.

00:21:56.698 --> 00:22:03.511
I think it tastes bad, so I'm not triggered by that at all because I don't like it maybe like why I just give in and okay, if I want I don't like it.

00:22:03.531 --> 00:22:05.675
Maybe like why I just give in and okay, so I don't know yeah.

00:22:06.317 --> 00:22:15.638
Yeah, no, I got to tell you cause I, if you give me something and it's got one of the major artificial sweeteners in it, I can, I can tell you does it.

00:22:15.638 --> 00:22:26.826
If I can taste it and I can tell you that it's aspartame, I can tell you that it's stevia, like immediately, I can't, you know, and the chemical processing that's got to go on with that.

00:22:26.826 --> 00:22:28.010
It's just got to be ridiculous.

00:22:28.010 --> 00:22:37.318
I mean, I know stevia is a plant, sucralose is supposed to be made from sugar, but there's still some major problems, right?

00:22:38.285 --> 00:22:38.986
It's all good.

00:22:38.986 --> 00:22:48.205
I mean, by the end of the day, if you look at sugar and flour, it's a white powder, and maybe that's like saying it in an extreme way.

00:22:48.205 --> 00:22:50.710
But cocaine is a white powder as well.

00:22:50.710 --> 00:22:51.892
Look at it, that's what it is.

00:22:51.912 --> 00:22:59.991
I mean, come on just don't do it, I get it.

00:22:59.991 --> 00:23:00.633

00:23:00.633 --> 00:23:05.893
So you went to school, you became a nutritionist and you've gotten all that knowledge.

00:23:05.893 --> 00:23:10.012
And so what happened with your diet at this point now?

00:23:10.012 --> 00:23:11.336
Did you fill back out?

00:23:11.336 --> 00:23:11.636
Did you?

00:23:11.636 --> 00:23:15.316
Were you able to conquer the demon of the disorder?

00:23:16.144 --> 00:23:17.468
That's an interesting yeah.

00:23:17.468 --> 00:23:24.784
So I was doing really well and I became a manager in a huge bank.

00:23:24.784 --> 00:23:26.680
There were only two women in the whole bank who were in management position and I was a manager in a huge bank.

00:23:26.680 --> 00:23:29.193
There were only two women in the whole bank who were in management position and I was one of them.

00:23:29.193 --> 00:23:36.317
So I had a lot of pressure and unfortunately I was in a unhealthy, abusive relationship.

00:23:36.765 --> 00:23:41.691
So again you build that house of cards and it crumbles, you know.

00:23:41.691 --> 00:23:45.934
And again I went back to the food thing.

00:23:45.934 --> 00:23:49.587
It was just terrible and I said that's enough.

00:23:49.587 --> 00:23:59.210
And you hit a wall so many times and again, not my authentic self, I'm trying and I'm not getting anywhere.

00:23:59.210 --> 00:24:00.292
It was just too much.

00:24:00.292 --> 00:24:02.424
I said okay, I put a hard stop on this.

00:24:02.424 --> 00:24:10.191
I quit my job, I broke up with my boyfriend and I decided to go to the United States to learn English.

00:24:10.191 --> 00:24:14.253
It was an English second language For three months.

00:24:14.253 --> 00:24:15.674
I wanted time out.

00:24:15.674 --> 00:24:17.676
I had gained a lot of weight.

00:24:17.676 --> 00:24:25.363
Again, I was very frustrated with myself, very upset, and yeah, that's how I started in the US.

00:24:27.465 --> 00:24:28.007
Okay, great.

00:24:28.007 --> 00:24:32.637
So can I ask where did you go in America when you came over to the States?

00:24:33.025 --> 00:24:41.855
Okay, there was an international college in Naples, florida which offered a visa for students who want to come over and learn English, and that's how I ended up in Naples Florida.

00:24:43.224 --> 00:24:43.526

00:24:43.526 --> 00:24:44.406
Is that where you are now, yep?

00:24:45.148 --> 00:24:45.930
Oh, okay, you're Is that?

00:24:45.970 --> 00:24:46.750
where you are now.

00:24:46.750 --> 00:24:47.692
Yep, oh, okay, you're right down the street.

00:24:47.692 --> 00:24:48.253
I'm in Tampa.

00:24:48.253 --> 00:24:50.298
Yeah, so that's fantastic.

00:24:50.298 --> 00:24:53.730
Okay, great, so you go to the school.

00:24:53.730 --> 00:24:54.492
How long was the school?

00:24:55.295 --> 00:25:00.355
Three months and by the end it was the last week of that course.

00:25:00.355 --> 00:25:16.634
I drove down the street to my apartment and I stopped at a bank because I love the state so much, I wanted to stay and I asked for an internship at a bank again and actually they said, yes, I got an internship for 18 months.

00:25:16.634 --> 00:25:26.173
And here I am again in the bank working as a personal banker which, yeah, I did way more in Germany.

00:25:26.173 --> 00:25:29.098
But okay, I wanted to just get the experience.

00:25:29.098 --> 00:25:31.652
I can't, this can help me for the future.

00:25:31.652 --> 00:25:35.714
I thought, and I learned business English, so let's do that.

00:25:35.714 --> 00:25:41.615
And yeah, back in the days I made $400 a month at the internship.

00:25:41.675 --> 00:25:42.877
Oh, at the internship.

00:25:43.439 --> 00:25:50.865
Yeah, so that's what I did Again banking, because this is what I was taught to do.

00:25:50.865 --> 00:25:56.999
I thought that's a solid job, that's what I'm okay with and I was good at it, you know.

00:25:56.999 --> 00:25:59.628
But again, not what I meant to be.

00:25:59.628 --> 00:26:06.740
And I talked to my immigration lawyer how can I get a work visa after the 18 months so I can stay?

00:26:06.740 --> 00:26:14.776
And she's like well, there's no way you can get a work visa as a personal banker, because there's so many personal bankers in the States.

00:26:14.776 --> 00:26:20.632
You have no special skills, you can't stay, you have to go back to Germany.

00:26:20.632 --> 00:26:22.732
And I said well, what do you mean with special skills?

00:26:22.732 --> 00:26:30.076
She's like well, if you have any special skills, then, yeah, you can get a visa or even a green card.

00:26:30.076 --> 00:26:37.935
And I'm like well, the only special skill I have is lift things up and put them down and really bodybuilding.

00:26:37.935 --> 00:26:45.218
And she is like okay, if you can get a world champion title for the United States, then you can get a green card.

00:26:45.218 --> 00:26:49.471
And I'm like that's a stretch.

00:26:49.471 --> 00:26:51.596
Okay, are you serious?

00:26:51.596 --> 00:26:55.810
And she's like, yep, I said, okay, I can only try.

00:26:55.810 --> 00:26:57.310
I can only try.

00:26:57.310 --> 00:26:59.190
What can I lose?

00:26:59.190 --> 00:27:01.491
Nothing, the only thing is I'm not making it.

00:27:01.491 --> 00:27:03.290
And then I have to go back to Germany.

00:27:03.290 --> 00:27:07.467
So, okay, I pulled out my old journals.

00:27:07.467 --> 00:27:09.771
What I did in Germany.

00:27:10.272 --> 00:27:16.510
I was overweight at that time, you know, I wasn't in shape, so I dialed it back down.

00:27:16.510 --> 00:27:22.209
The only thing I could afford was a gym membership and all I did I developed like this tunnel vision.

00:27:22.209 --> 00:27:48.480
I built that framework diet, exercise, sleep, diet, exercise, sleep every day and I saw my body actually changing very quickly and I was in such a happy place doing this and just this journey of transformation gave me such a I don't even know like a happy feeling I was.

00:27:48.480 --> 00:27:50.808
I mean, it was all like clockwork.

00:27:50.808 --> 00:27:52.132
It was going so well.

00:27:52.132 --> 00:27:54.076
So I prepped for Miss Florida.

00:27:54.317 --> 00:27:57.428
That was my first show in natural bodybuilding.

00:27:57.428 --> 00:28:01.490
I co-created in Miss Physique and, yeah, I won Miss Florida.

00:28:01.490 --> 00:28:04.934
And, yeah, I won Miss Florida, got qualified for Team USA.

00:28:04.934 --> 00:28:10.500
So I kept prepping, got ready for Miss USA, a few to Los Angeles.

00:28:10.500 --> 00:28:23.193
It was a really big show and I mean in bodybuilding you show up in teams, you know like they have like their posing coach and their trainers and nutritionists.

00:28:23.193 --> 00:28:33.115
And here I came with my trolley, with my bikini and a blanket and my food containers and I'm like I'm just here doing my best.

00:28:35.267 --> 00:28:40.693
So lift, eat, sleep, repeat, get on to Team USA, fly to Los Angeles.

00:28:41.865 --> 00:28:42.589
That's what I did.

00:28:42.589 --> 00:28:47.219
Again, I was in my zone and that was a great day.

00:28:47.219 --> 00:28:52.692
You know when everything goes well when you do a competition and you're just in that flow.

00:28:52.692 --> 00:28:59.846
I had a good day, good stage presentation and, yeah, I won miss usa.

00:28:59.846 --> 00:29:19.817
So then I was qualified for Miss Universe and for that show I got you have prejudging in the morning in black bikinis where you get compared and that in the evening you have like the show where you do your posing routine and there you can like bling up the bikini.

00:29:19.817 --> 00:29:26.099
And I got American flag bikini for that show and I picked the posing song.

00:29:26.099 --> 00:29:27.059
Here she Stands.

00:29:28.080 --> 00:29:28.780
Oh, beautiful.

00:29:29.121 --> 00:29:30.382
About the American flag.

00:29:30.382 --> 00:29:33.623
So that was my moment.

00:29:33.623 --> 00:29:37.008
I wanted to represent the United States.

00:29:37.008 --> 00:29:39.996
So you know, you get into those details and you just enjoy everything.

00:29:39.996 --> 00:29:49.295
All of a sudden, like you wanted to make it real special, real good, and my goal was, at the Miss Universe, to be able to be in the finals and wear that bikini.

00:29:49.295 --> 00:29:53.990
That was like my thing and I kept prepping and it was.

00:29:53.990 --> 00:29:59.429
You know, it gets long, like week after week after week, and again I did not get tired of it.

00:29:59.429 --> 00:30:01.013
I love doing it.

00:30:01.234 --> 00:30:05.950
I had such a good time at just practicing my posing routine in the morning.

00:30:05.950 --> 00:30:14.013
But I practiced it every morning, like if you would have played that song in the middle of the night, I would have jumped out of bed and would have done my posing routine.

00:30:14.013 --> 00:30:15.465
That's how I practiced.

00:30:15.465 --> 00:30:20.291
I was like nothing will go wrong that day.

00:30:20.291 --> 00:30:25.479
I'm like, nope, I'm going to be good on this day.

00:30:25.479 --> 00:30:27.340
Like yeah, and that's what I did.

00:30:27.340 --> 00:30:47.891
I enjoyed the show and again I made it to the finals and I remember when they announced like the fifth winner, the fourth, the third, the second, I check my number and I'm like, oh my God, I'm Miss Universe, I won Miss Universe.

00:30:47.891 --> 00:30:48.753
I can't believe it.

00:30:48.753 --> 00:30:53.856
So, yeah, I was able to get the Miss Universe title that day.

00:30:53.856 --> 00:30:58.674
And yeah, then I changed the year finally.

00:30:59.056 --> 00:31:01.409
Yeah, so can I.

00:31:01.409 --> 00:31:02.192
What year was that?

00:31:02.192 --> 00:31:04.059
By chance, 2009.

00:31:04.059 --> 00:31:04.863

00:31:04.863 --> 00:31:05.404

00:31:05.404 --> 00:31:07.992
That's what I should have put down in your titles.

00:31:07.992 --> 00:31:14.777
I should have put professional health coach comma Miss Universe, 2009.

00:31:14.777 --> 00:31:16.766
Now, that's amazing Talk about.

00:31:17.666 --> 00:31:27.201
I mean, that is the idea that you became fit and became a bodybuilder, a world class bodybuilder, out of necessity.

00:31:27.201 --> 00:31:28.912
You know most people.

00:31:28.912 --> 00:31:30.159
They go to the gym and they want to feel.

00:31:30.159 --> 00:31:37.377
It's either aesthetics or they're in some sort of sport or, you know, or sometimes it's just strictly just to be healthy.

00:31:37.377 --> 00:31:40.010
I have no idea how those people do it, but that's just them.

00:31:40.010 --> 00:31:41.836
But you know what I mean.

00:31:41.836 --> 00:31:51.590
And here you are, you're going to the gym because it means this means either you get the world title or you get a national title, or you go home to Germany.

00:31:51.590 --> 00:31:54.271
That is wow.

00:31:54.271 --> 00:31:56.913
I mean talk about, you know, hitting your goals.

00:31:56.913 --> 00:32:03.857
For a certain reason, you are a case study, for you know, for planning and being successful at attaining your goals.

00:32:03.857 --> 00:32:07.681
For planning and being successful at attaining your goals, I mean that is outstanding, because that's what you said right.

00:32:07.881 --> 00:32:26.121
You said I need to get this, I'm going to the gym and that's my life Eat lift, sleep, repeat, yep, I mean, yeah, the interesting thing about this whole journey when I got the title, everybody's like oh, was that the happiest moment in your life?

00:32:26.121 --> 00:32:35.244
I felt relieved.

00:32:35.244 --> 00:32:35.645
That's what I felt.

00:32:35.645 --> 00:32:36.686
I felt relieved when I became Miss Universe.

00:32:36.686 --> 00:32:38.308
The happiest time in my life was prepping for it.

00:32:38.308 --> 00:32:41.832
The journey that was the happiest time.

00:32:41.832 --> 00:32:44.034
That was the happiest time.

00:32:44.034 --> 00:32:51.501
The daily grinding and knowing what I was doing and enjoying the process that was the happiest time.

00:32:51.501 --> 00:32:54.133
When I got the title, I was relieved.

00:32:57.237 --> 00:32:59.817
I feel that I totally feel the same way it is.

00:32:59.817 --> 00:33:06.762
It's about the journey, not the finish, and a lot of times the finish is just an opening to another journey.

00:33:06.762 --> 00:33:17.330
So, yeah, so for you, I mean, you get Miss USA next journey, Miss Universe, you know, for me and my clients and myself, we're habitual racers, Right?

00:33:17.330 --> 00:33:20.393
So it's like Ironman 70.3 Augusta.

00:33:20.393 --> 00:33:36.846
Well, you finish that one up and then you train for Ironman Wisconsin, and then you know this marathon and that marathon, and then it's and it's constant journey and I don't know where I'd go without it, because I like I, just because I just made fun of this earlier, I was like me going to the gym just for fitness.

00:33:36.846 --> 00:33:37.867
It doesn't do it for me.

00:33:37.867 --> 00:33:39.690
There's no purpose there.

00:33:39.690 --> 00:33:40.817
You've got.

00:33:40.817 --> 00:33:44.626
You had at this point in time you had a purpose for going in.

00:33:44.626 --> 00:33:48.224
Did you continue to compete after that?

00:33:49.174 --> 00:33:49.355

00:33:49.355 --> 00:34:01.792
So what happened was they offered me a pro card and as a pro, you have to compete all over the world and stone so many competitions all over the world and stoned so many competitions.

00:34:01.792 --> 00:34:15.135
And for me, having the green card and being again able to finally settle down, get like a house, get a routine, get a normal life where I can actually breathe and like just establish myself.

00:34:15.135 --> 00:34:21.657
I wasn't established, I just came to this country so I said I'm not going to take the pro card.

00:34:21.657 --> 00:34:35.025
Yes, I know I didn't do it and I said I want to settle down and I want to actually focus on becoming my personal training license and I want to make this a career.

00:34:35.025 --> 00:34:50.722
I do not want to go back to banking, I don't want to struggle, I don't want to think about how do I make this work or how can I want to build a career out of personal training, coaching and helping others to get there.

00:34:50.722 --> 00:34:53.849
This was my dream and that's what I wanted to do.

00:34:56.436 --> 00:34:59.918
Yeah, that's another piece of self-actualization, right?

00:34:59.918 --> 00:35:03.681
I mean, most people would be like, oh my God, I'm going to get a pro card.

00:35:03.681 --> 00:35:05.983
I can actually get paid to bodybuild.

00:35:05.983 --> 00:35:13.887
But, you're like no, I want to help people get to feel like this, right, Is that kind of where you were going?

00:35:13.887 --> 00:35:15.088

00:35:15.168 --> 00:35:20.652
Because, again, I love competing, don't get me wrong, but where does it get me?

00:35:20.652 --> 00:35:34.056
And I have a trophy, what I dust.

00:35:34.056 --> 00:35:39.306
I mean, I have those trophies but they don't bring me the joy as when I help clients, helping transform themselves and helping them to get to the next level.

00:35:39.306 --> 00:36:07.114
And I wanted to dive deeper into the science of health and know more about it, because what I'm really good at it and this is how I started out with personal training I can get whoever shows up to a certain body fat level or certain look or whatever, in a certain amount of time, healthy or not, I know how to shred somebody down, so to speak, and get ready for something.

00:36:07.635 --> 00:36:21.639
So I had athletes at the beginning and then a lot of like women who wanted to prepare for a special moment their wedding day, their anniversary, their 50th birthday, 30, whatever it was getting them ready for that.

00:36:21.639 --> 00:36:31.224
So I was like this is one of my specialties getting people ready for a certain day and that I can do in my sleep.

00:36:31.224 --> 00:36:33.528
Yes, because that's what I did all the time.

00:36:33.528 --> 00:37:08.304
But I wanted to actually and this is where I'm coming from like my own personal struggles and how hard it was and how I battled and so many things were unnecessary in my life in like my twenties which what I experienced I should not have and giving women the self-esteem and feeling that they are worth it, that they can do whatever they want and accomplish their goals in a healthy way, that was actually more to my heart.

00:37:08.304 --> 00:37:09.498
That's what I wanted to do.

00:37:09.498 --> 00:37:11.003

00:37:14.797 --> 00:37:16.523
So where did you learn that, though?

00:37:16.523 --> 00:37:22.960
Where did it come to a realization that you wanted to help other people, because what I'm looking at here is that you're a banker.

00:37:22.960 --> 00:37:24.340
Then you went to the gym.

00:37:24.340 --> 00:37:26.623
You became Miss USA Miss Universe?

00:37:26.623 --> 00:37:34.429
There wasn't really, and you did it all yourself, so it wasn't even like you had interactions with a nutrition coach and with a posing coach.

00:37:34.429 --> 00:37:35.731
With this, you did this all yourself.

00:37:35.731 --> 00:37:36.431
So here you are.

00:37:36.431 --> 00:37:38.132
Internally, where did it?

00:37:38.132 --> 00:37:43.059
Where did that desire come from to help other people?

00:37:45.603 --> 00:37:53.679
Because a lot of people ask me questions and when I was able to help them, I actually enjoyed that process.

00:37:53.679 --> 00:38:00.307
I'm like, oh my goodness, this person, I really helped her or him and they appreciated it.

00:38:00.307 --> 00:38:01.509
They enjoyed it.

00:38:01.509 --> 00:38:05.641
I made their life better and that's where I was like.

00:38:05.641 --> 00:38:07.465
This is where my joy comes from.

00:38:07.465 --> 00:38:25.965
I have so much more happiness and again I learned where my happy place is and where I'm authentic, where I'm real, and this is where I belong and this is what I like doing and that's just what gives me more energy and more power to go to the next level.

00:38:25.965 --> 00:38:32.420
It's not about me, it's about helping others, where I get my joy from.

00:38:32.619 --> 00:38:45.822
Yeah, yes, and yeah, there's a lot of good coaches out there that say service to others, will bring back words to you, refold, so yeah, so I totally get that.

00:38:45.822 --> 00:38:55.128
Can you expound on that first experience of you giving some advice and seeing the results of that advice?

00:38:55.128 --> 00:39:05.800
You don't have to give names or anything, but it's just like what advice did you give them and then how long, until all of a sudden you saw them and there was a difference and they told you about it and you were you know and you were happy.

00:39:06.684 --> 00:39:08.489
Yeah, I had clients.

00:39:08.489 --> 00:39:21.858
They came from really big numbers, really big numbers, and they this is interesting they went to a lot of coaches and they said no to them, they didn't want to train them, they didn't want to help them.

00:39:21.858 --> 00:39:25.215
They said, well, you never change, you can't make it, you can't yeah.

00:39:25.215 --> 00:39:32.958
And I actually said no, I'm not giving up on you, we're going to go, we are doing this together.

00:39:32.958 --> 00:39:47.523
And I saw that if you support a person, even when they think their body cannot do more, it's all in here, it's the willpower, it's your mindset, it comes from your mind first.

00:39:47.523 --> 00:39:58.382
And when I helped them and supported them and they felt the support, it's unbelievable how much they can put in and how much they can change.

00:39:58.382 --> 00:40:05.427
And when they are rolling and when they are in a flow, it just keeps going and it gets better and better.

00:40:05.427 --> 00:40:08.215
And, like I said, I have clients.

00:40:08.215 --> 00:40:15.934
They lost 150 pounds or a hundred pounds, like really big numbers, and it's life changing for them.

00:40:15.934 --> 00:40:26.666
And yeah, it's a process and the thing is too I know that this is a process and I don't give up at whatever time they need, isn't that also?

00:40:26.746 --> 00:40:30.324
When you're a coach, you explain like you have a goal setting.

00:40:30.324 --> 00:40:34.577
You have the plan and it's from A to B, a straight line, and yada, yada.

00:40:34.577 --> 00:40:39.125
And I know the straight line I explained won't happen.

00:40:39.125 --> 00:40:41.710
It won't and that's okay.

00:40:41.710 --> 00:40:47.922
We will have stops, we will have detours, it goes up and down and left and right and whatever.

00:40:47.922 --> 00:40:48.525
It's okay.

00:40:48.525 --> 00:40:49.387
It's okay.

00:40:49.387 --> 00:40:55.804
But we dial back in and we continue and we start fresh and it's just until we are there where we want to be.

00:40:55.804 --> 00:40:59.505
And if it takes longer, if it's a straight shot, good for you.

00:40:59.505 --> 00:41:02.324
We did it quicker at all, but it's all good.

00:41:03.114 --> 00:41:08.447
And I think people feel the pressure or expect too much.

00:41:08.447 --> 00:41:09.277
It doesn't.

00:41:09.277 --> 00:41:20.965
It's okay to go on a slower pace or on a different way, and for one person this works better and for another person, another way works better.

00:41:20.965 --> 00:41:25.786
I have clients so far, like they can do cold turkey.

00:41:25.786 --> 00:41:30.987
These are the types of people they rip off a Band-Aid, they jump into the pool.

00:41:30.987 --> 00:41:32.117
And then I have clients.

00:41:32.117 --> 00:41:41.146
They go into the pool step by step and a little colder and a little colder, and that's how their diet changes and their workout changes.

00:41:41.146 --> 00:41:43.742
We go a little slower, but we get there.

00:41:43.742 --> 00:41:44.666
It doesn't matter.

00:41:44.666 --> 00:41:54.648
But this is where I come in and I just give them guidance and support and, like I said, I wish I would have a plan I can pull out and say well, that's the plan, that's what we're doing.

00:41:54.648 --> 00:41:56.030
No, everybody's different.

00:41:56.030 --> 00:41:57.956
Yeah, that never works.

00:41:58.175 --> 00:41:59.896
Yeah, that never works, yeah.

00:41:59.896 --> 00:42:06.262
So when I first learned that, you know, I really liked, I really was going to coach, was I was.

00:42:06.262 --> 00:42:13.829
I was doing the Chicago marathon to get ready for my first Ironman, which was the next month.

00:42:13.829 --> 00:42:19.173
So I knew that I wasn't going to be running the Chicago marathonathon like balls to the wall.

00:42:19.173 --> 00:42:19.755
You know what I mean.

00:42:19.755 --> 00:42:24.164
It wasn't going to be a race for me, it was a prep to get me to Ironman.

00:42:24.164 --> 00:42:35.987
Well, I had gone to the Chicago Marathon with a charity group, a charity team, polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation, and 20 of us raised, like I don't know, something like $25,000 or $26,000 for the charity.

00:42:35.987 --> 00:42:40.177
So we finally get to race day, thousand dollars for the charity.

00:42:40.217 --> 00:42:52.445
So we finally get to race day and there's this woman and she's like 53 years old, her name's Karen and six months prior she had done the Paris marathon and she did it in five hours and 25 minutes Very respectable, not a problem.

00:42:52.445 --> 00:43:03.905
But I knew, while training with her, I knew that she had more and it was just in my head and I'm like you know what, I'm going easy for me, so I'm just going to bring her along with me.

00:43:03.905 --> 00:43:09.324
So I grabbed Karen, I says Karen, I said you're with me, I'm doing this as a training run and we have.

00:43:09.324 --> 00:43:10.534
I have a strategy for us.

00:43:10.534 --> 00:43:12.277
We're going to follow the strategy to hear from there.

00:43:12.277 --> 00:43:18.644
We crossed the finish line like this in hand 432.

00:43:19.346 --> 00:43:21.128
Wow, six months.

00:43:21.128 --> 00:43:26.722
She took almost an hour off her time and then, strictly because of coaching.

00:43:26.722 --> 00:43:34.266
So of course her best friend comes up to me and she goes oh my God, clarence on, karen is on cloud nine right now.

00:43:34.266 --> 00:43:35.427
Who is what you did for her?

00:43:35.427 --> 00:43:42.137
And that just like it totally, it just totally like got me and I and she goes you should coach.

00:43:42.137 --> 00:43:45.610
And I went, I'd love to, except I don't have any credits.

00:43:45.610 --> 00:43:46.918
You know, I really don't have any credits.

00:43:46.918 --> 00:43:47.903
And she goes.

00:43:47.903 --> 00:43:50.436
Well, next month you will, cause I did the Iron man.

00:43:50.436 --> 00:44:00.155
Now you can say okay, guy who finished the Iron man, now you can coach, you know, and it worked.

00:44:00.155 --> 00:44:01.320
And I haven't looked back and I look back, just like you.

00:44:01.320 --> 00:44:02.065
You know you found that one person.

00:44:02.065 --> 00:44:04.394
So I would like to throw in a little bit of something of my own, even though I try to keep it more about you.

00:44:04.574 --> 00:44:06.784
But you know, it's wonderful, it's great.

00:44:06.954 --> 00:44:13.088
Well, yeah, yeah, but I love those stories of when coaches they find that, ok, they stop.

00:44:13.088 --> 00:44:18.487
They don't stop being an athlete, but they like transform and they're like all right.

00:44:18.487 --> 00:44:22.681
No, no, I'd rather help other people and that's right.

00:44:22.681 --> 00:44:23.306
You know that's type of people.

00:44:23.306 --> 00:44:23.748
You know what I don't.

00:44:23.748 --> 00:44:24.393
I tell people I'm like you want.

00:44:24.393 --> 00:44:26.619
If you're not that type of person, that's okay.

00:44:26.619 --> 00:44:32.244
It's okay if you love your, if you love your fellow man, but you can't teach them, that's fine, you know, it's fine.

00:44:32.244 --> 00:44:33.972
There's not everybody can do that, you know.

00:44:33.972 --> 00:44:36.398
Yeah, there's only so many people in health care for a.

00:44:36.398 --> 00:44:39.065
So, but no, I applaud you.

00:44:39.065 --> 00:44:39.996
I applaud you for that.

00:44:39.996 --> 00:44:42.422
So let me get, so, let me ask you, what's your?

00:44:42.422 --> 00:44:44.085
So your best case study ever?

00:44:44.085 --> 00:44:51.597
What was your most powerful client and the most you know the powerful, most powerful results from a client that you can think of?

00:44:52.400 --> 00:44:52.920
Oh my gosh.

00:44:52.920 --> 00:45:00.706
Yeah, like I said, I have a client who was actually, yeah, she is not done yet, but she lost 150 pounds.

00:45:00.706 --> 00:45:10.614
But I have clients on championships like I prepped a really good guy who won Mr Georgia and Mr Florida.

00:45:10.614 --> 00:45:20.349
Yeah, like I have athletes, and mostly, though, it's weight loss and it's interesting because the numbers it's interesting.

00:45:20.349 --> 00:45:22.498
This is what is more important to me.

00:45:22.498 --> 00:45:24.461
It's not about the numbers.

00:45:24.461 --> 00:45:26.927
But I have, for example, stroke clients.

00:45:26.927 --> 00:45:28.217
They were in a wheelchair.

00:45:28.217 --> 00:45:38.242
They I got them out of the wheelchair and I got them moving again and I got them being more functional, being able to do things on their own.

00:45:38.242 --> 00:45:47.286
I had a client who was in a really bad car accident a broken spine and when she came, she was in a wheelchair and we started.

00:45:47.286 --> 00:45:55.389
I mean, that was a long journey, but walking again, training everything again, retraining everything again.

00:45:55.389 --> 00:46:01.867
So, yeah, those are, I would say, the more impact cases.

00:46:04.117 --> 00:46:09.706
That is absolutely incredible and your story is unbelievable.

00:46:09.706 --> 00:46:14.577
Let's just let me ask a couple of questions, a couple of last questions to wrap this up.

00:46:14.577 --> 00:46:34.512
So, as we recap about like first steps when someone realizes that it's time for them to do something about their weight and their fitness, I seem to it seemed to me like the first thing that you would have them do is to journal their food.

00:46:34.512 --> 00:46:35.719
Is that correct?

00:46:35.719 --> 00:46:36.476
Would you say?

00:46:36.476 --> 00:46:37.320
That'd be my first thing?

00:46:38.302 --> 00:46:45.989
Yes, journaling is very important, and what I do I create again from my experience.

00:46:45.989 --> 00:46:51.907
I create a framework because what I would like them to do is everything automatically.

00:46:51.907 --> 00:46:56.581
I want automaticity so they are not stressed.

00:46:56.581 --> 00:47:11.224
What happens is when you have to make a lot of decisions during the day and we get bombarded with text messages, emails, phone calls, taking care of the kids, the family having a job, yada, yada, yada, so we make so many decisions.

00:47:11.224 --> 00:47:19.344
I don't want my clients to have or have to do more decisions if it comes to food and exercise.

00:47:19.344 --> 00:47:22.210
I want this on autopilot.

00:47:22.210 --> 00:47:32.639
So what we do is a lot of food prepping and I like them to write down the food what they're going to eat the next day, not what they ate.

00:47:35.525 --> 00:47:36.367
That's fantastic.

00:47:37.635 --> 00:47:40.561
They're writing down what they're going to eat, they prep it in the evening and all the worry is gone.

00:47:40.561 --> 00:47:42.514
They down what they're going to eat, they prep it in the evening and all the worry is gone.

00:47:42.514 --> 00:47:44.300
They know what they're going to do.

00:47:44.300 --> 00:47:45.344
That's it.

00:47:45.344 --> 00:47:50.264
They have no stress of making any decisions about their diet.

00:47:50.264 --> 00:47:58.815
Worry free, take so much pressure off and they can stay on track Makes a huge difference and that's what I like, and same with the workout.

00:47:58.815 --> 00:48:03.003
It's all automated, so it's non-negotiable.

00:48:03.003 --> 00:48:07.938
That's what they do and when they create those habits, it's habit stacks.

00:48:07.938 --> 00:48:15.405
They know they go to the kitchen in the evening and they write their journal, prep their food, get it ready, done, and they do this every evening.

00:48:15.405 --> 00:48:18.858
They don't have to worry about it and that's how they get successful.

00:48:20.559 --> 00:48:21.701
That's incredible.

00:48:21.701 --> 00:48:30.429
So they're not really journaling, because that's what they journaling is, usually after the fact they're actually planning.

00:48:30.429 --> 00:48:36.976
Yep, they're planning, they're not.

00:48:36.976 --> 00:48:42.001
Oh, wow, I mean, yes, okay, they're going to journal the workouts because they're going to sit there and say, okay, well, listen, she had me doing.

00:48:42.001 --> 00:48:45.885
You know, okay, they're going to journal the workouts because they're going to sit there and say, okay, well, listen, she had me doing.

00:48:45.885 --> 00:48:47.367
You know, 125 pounds, five reps.

00:48:47.367 --> 00:48:48.068
You know, five reps three times.

00:48:48.068 --> 00:48:49.050
I couldn't do 125.

00:48:49.050 --> 00:48:50.291
I could, but I could do 120.

00:48:50.291 --> 00:48:50.831
So I write that down.

00:48:50.831 --> 00:48:51.371
That's journaling.

00:48:51.371 --> 00:48:52.954
I see that right, planning plus journal.

00:48:53.614 --> 00:48:56.239
But the journaling of the food, which is not really journaling, it's planning, that is, you just blew my mind.

00:48:56.239 --> 00:48:58.704
I mean because I never thought about that way.

00:48:58.704 --> 00:49:02.693
Yes, you'd prep and you journal it later, but there's always something in the middle.

00:49:02.693 --> 00:49:03.695
Like you know what I mean, like you.

00:49:03.695 --> 00:49:09.358
Like, I prep my lunches, but as far as breakfast goes, it's like walking to the kitchen doing my breakfast.

00:49:09.358 --> 00:49:18.528
Oh, I feel like oatmeal, I feel like eggs, I feel like this that today, or then dinner, maybe you've thrown some, pulled something out for dinner, and then you're like well, I put out some steak, but maybe I'll have potato.

00:49:18.528 --> 00:49:20.371
Well, maybe you shouldn't have potato because it's too much starch.

00:49:20.371 --> 00:49:20.833
You know what I mean.

00:49:20.833 --> 00:49:21.855
You go that way.

00:49:21.855 --> 00:49:32.496
But if you sat there and going breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, pre-workout, post-workout done, correct, that's out that.

00:49:32.496 --> 00:49:33.757
Yeah, that's fantastic.

00:49:33.757 --> 00:49:35.739
Yeah, I love that.

00:49:35.739 --> 00:49:36.420
That's fantastic.

00:49:36.659 --> 00:49:38.641
Now the guesswork is out of the way.

00:49:38.641 --> 00:49:42.204
And what happens, too, when you journal after the fact?

00:49:42.204 --> 00:49:48.588
Well, I have to write it down, but that's where I crashed and I had ice cream, and what?

00:49:48.588 --> 00:49:52.050
No, you haven't written it down, it's not written down, you're not going to do it.

00:49:52.050 --> 00:49:55.311
So much behind it, so much more power behind it.

00:49:55.311 --> 00:49:55.733

00:49:59.855 --> 00:50:00.699
So that's a that's an interesting thing.

00:50:00.699 --> 00:50:01.181
So ice cream and stuff.

00:50:01.181 --> 00:50:07.286
So obviously you're talking yeah, I mean we talk about balance and everything else in our treats do you actually have them plan that too, like it?

00:50:07.286 --> 00:50:16.960
Like you know, it's like if you said that, okay, well, listen, you know I'm gonna plan to have ice cream this day, because the next day I'm gonna be doing this and that gives me my treat ors.

00:50:16.960 --> 00:50:19.025
But but you had mentioned that yourself.

00:50:19.025 --> 00:50:23.643
You can't do cheat days, but do you have them plan that?

00:50:24.445 --> 00:50:26.342
Okay, this is okay.

00:50:26.342 --> 00:50:31.327
In what stage of the journey we are, when we starting out, we're not having ice cream.

00:50:32.114 --> 00:50:33.099
Right right, right, right right.

00:50:34.338 --> 00:50:45.061
This is also so fascinating I love the human body Like when we start out, the diet is whole foods, a lot of different foods, but it's whole foods.

00:50:45.061 --> 00:50:46.664
If you cannot pick it, don't eat it.

00:50:46.664 --> 00:50:47.527
Very simple.

00:50:47.527 --> 00:50:49.380
I make it very simple and easy.

00:50:49.380 --> 00:51:08.735
Now, when they are in maintenance and they have a healthy metabolism, because we fixed it through training and the diet, you add foods back in and we do this very slowly and we journal it, we look at it and we make adjustments.

00:51:08.996 --> 00:51:17.320
I have clients they added 10, 12 different foods back in to their diet in a regular day and they're not gaining anymore.

00:51:17.320 --> 00:51:23.699
But they have the metabolic flexibility to be able to eat all this and that's fine.

00:51:23.699 --> 00:51:26.385
They can do that because they're healthy.

00:51:26.385 --> 00:51:29.099
They're at that stage and their metabolism is fixed.

00:51:29.099 --> 00:51:34.835
I have so many where the metabolism is just shot and have insulin resistance.

00:51:34.835 --> 00:51:36.157
Well, that's a different stage.

00:51:36.157 --> 00:51:40.063
No, I would lie to you if I say, yeah, let's blend some ice cream in there.

00:51:40.063 --> 00:51:41.585
No, it's not going to happen.

00:51:41.585 --> 00:51:58.306
I have to fix first the metabolism and then we can add and play around and it's a dance almost with the diet then and they enjoy it and they know how to handle it then, because they learn so much during that journey that they know what to do.

00:51:58.306 --> 00:52:02.119
It's very fascinating and the body, yeah, is amazing.

00:52:03.603 --> 00:52:04.327
Wow, okay.

00:52:04.327 --> 00:52:13.641
So first step is you would sit down with them, you decide what foods are, so they're going to whole foods and then you're going to all whole foods.

00:52:13.641 --> 00:52:16.322
You said right, and if you can't pick it, don't eat it.

00:52:16.322 --> 00:52:18.840
So that becomes that.

00:52:18.840 --> 00:52:20.496
That starts it out and they eat it.

00:52:20.496 --> 00:52:21.016
So that becomes that.

00:52:21.016 --> 00:52:22.481
That starts it out.

00:52:22.481 --> 00:52:26.992
And they plan it and you get, and they get started on this habit of planning and meal prepping.

00:52:26.992 --> 00:52:28.034

00:52:28.034 --> 00:52:30.782
What's the first, what is the first step when they go to the gym?

00:52:30.782 --> 00:52:31.706
What's that first?

00:52:31.706 --> 00:52:35.425
Maybe that first workout or the first orientation to the gym?

00:52:36.115 --> 00:52:40.284
Okay, yeah, again, this is such a mindset thing.

00:52:40.284 --> 00:52:44.577
But let's say I get a woman who wants to lose body fat.

00:52:44.577 --> 00:52:47.144
She wants to lose weight, that's what they tell me.

00:52:47.144 --> 00:52:48.186
She wants to lose weight.

00:52:48.186 --> 00:52:51.905
Okay, you don't want to lose weight, you want to lose body fat first.

00:52:51.905 --> 00:52:58.563
So, that being said, we are so focused on that scale which I'm not.

00:52:59.565 --> 00:53:04.360
I want good muscle quality first, because the muscle is the organ of longevity.

00:53:04.360 --> 00:53:12.563
Without good muscle quality, you can't achieve anything no health goals and no transformation in your body.

00:53:12.563 --> 00:53:18.601
So what you want is basically in your muscle, like a filet steak.

00:53:18.601 --> 00:53:20.166
That's how it's supposed to look.

00:53:20.166 --> 00:53:23.463
Like no marbled, fatty, god knows only what.

00:53:23.463 --> 00:53:27.465
Now we want the fillet steak, okay.

00:53:27.465 --> 00:53:33.088
So in order to get this, I want you to lift heavy weights first.

00:53:33.088 --> 00:53:45.661
So meaning yes, I know most women are scared, they think they're going to bulk up and all kinds of things, and no, I want them to lift heavy weights first.

00:53:45.661 --> 00:53:57.751
Short workout, not too long, and, to be honest with you, for some women just doing a body squat is heavy at the beginning.

00:53:57.751 --> 00:53:58.972
You know what I'm saying.

00:53:58.972 --> 00:54:05.302
So I'm not talking about doing a leg press with 800 pounds, that's not what I'm talking about.

00:54:05.302 --> 00:54:07.648
But I want to challenge the body.

00:54:07.648 --> 00:54:13.288
I want you to get to the point where it gets difficult after 10 to 12 reps.

00:54:13.288 --> 00:54:21.849
I want you to good form and at the beginning I start out with total body workouts to get everything going.

00:54:22.255 --> 00:54:24.842
I want to create a flux in the muscle.

00:54:24.842 --> 00:54:30.056
I want that you actually the carbs you have stored in the muscle.

00:54:30.056 --> 00:54:32.867
I want them to be squeezed out with them.

00:54:32.867 --> 00:54:41.876
Because what happens is, with insulin resistance, as you know, like you produce the insulin and you have the carbs in your bloodstream.

00:54:41.876 --> 00:54:50.987
From when it comes to the muscle and the insulin the key to open the muscle that the lock is just clocked up and the insulin just hits the muscle and nothing happens.

00:54:50.987 --> 00:54:57.597
And we keep having the carbs floating around, the bloodstream hits the liver, spills over and we gain body fat.

00:54:57.597 --> 00:55:01.246
Not a good scenario and not healthy at all.

00:55:01.246 --> 00:55:14.840
So what you want to do is you want to train that muscle to actually work out those carbs, squeeze them out, work them and then you get the insulin going again and then you get the carbs back into the muscle and we create that flux.

00:55:14.840 --> 00:55:17.025
What helps in metabolism?

00:55:17.025 --> 00:55:19.309
What helps your endocrine system?

00:55:19.309 --> 00:55:24.661
I mean the bones, cognitive function, all the good stuff comes with it.

00:55:25.101 --> 00:55:29.398
But this is the basic and I don't want you to overexercise.

00:55:29.398 --> 00:55:32.329
We go step by step Again, how much you can handle.

00:55:32.329 --> 00:55:43.010
But I want you to challenge yourself at the gym and the better you get, the more I split the body parts up and I play around.

00:55:43.010 --> 00:55:53.956
It depends also how much time they have and I like also cardio very important and it's just the balance of it all.

00:55:53.956 --> 00:55:55.480
You know like you have to.

00:55:55.480 --> 00:56:01.329
I'm a rower, I'm on the rowing machine, love that and I go all out on this one.

00:56:02.295 --> 00:56:04.601
But whatever floats your boat, you know.

00:56:04.601 --> 00:56:06.005
But you have to have balance.

00:56:06.005 --> 00:56:07.126
You want to train everything.

00:56:07.126 --> 00:56:13.568
You have to have a strong cardiovascular system, strong heart, in order to build more muscle.

00:56:13.568 --> 00:56:16.844
But if you have more muscle quality, guess what?

00:56:16.844 --> 00:56:21.445
Your body composition is going to change automatically.

00:56:21.445 --> 00:56:23.682
You will lose body fat.

00:56:23.682 --> 00:56:31.902
And if you have the right amount of protein, if you have a balanced diet, the body just follows the protocol.

00:56:31.902 --> 00:56:35.742
It just happens Like there is really no.

00:56:35.742 --> 00:56:36.483
How can I say it?

00:56:36.483 --> 00:56:39.623
Nobody should be worrying about it or being.

00:56:39.623 --> 00:56:45.882
If the body does its work, it always does that is some great advice.

00:56:46.262 --> 00:56:58.125
so basically, it's track what you're doing, plan it, track it, execute and then maintain and have that balance is basically what you're.

00:56:58.125 --> 00:57:01.217
You know what you're saying that, yeah, I.

00:57:01.217 --> 00:57:08.686
So I was blown away by you saying to go lift heavy right away, cause I mean, as a trainer, I was always taught no, you don't start heavy right away.

00:57:08.686 --> 00:57:12.903
You start light for the first couple of weeks and then go heavy.

00:57:12.903 --> 00:57:17.702
You know, after you develop some of those neural pathways, you're saying no, go heavy.

00:57:17.702 --> 00:57:19.329
And I applaud that.

00:57:19.329 --> 00:57:22.177
I totally applaud that, because obviously you're getting the results.

00:57:22.177 --> 00:57:37.976
So anyway, angela, I have to tell you I am so excited and so honored that you joined us today and I think people are going to get a lot out of this.

00:57:37.976 --> 00:57:46.001
So if somebody wants to either hire you or ask you any questions, what's the best place for them to get in touch with you?

00:57:46.684 --> 00:57:57.159
Yeah, I'm on Instagram, healthcoachangela, and I have a website, houseofshadecom, and I do monthly challenges where we reset your metabolism.

00:57:57.159 --> 00:57:59.126
That's like a three-day challenge.

00:57:59.126 --> 00:58:04.826
It's fun, it's a good environment and you can ask me anything and, yeah, we just get going.

00:58:04.987 --> 00:58:06.235
It's every month.

00:58:06.235 --> 00:58:13.949
All right, so you heard that folks houseofshapecom health coach Angela on Instagram.

00:58:13.949 --> 00:58:16.925
I will link all of that in the show notes.

00:58:16.925 --> 00:58:21.541
And before we go, angela, you got to flex for us.

00:58:21.541 --> 00:58:29.740
Come on, that's what I'm talking about.

00:58:29.740 --> 00:58:32.001
All right, everybody.

00:58:32.001 --> 00:58:33.574
Thank you very much, angela.

00:58:33.574 --> 00:58:36.342
I really appreciate you joining us.

00:58:36.342 --> 00:58:40.619
Everybody, we will see you in the next one, Thank you.

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