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Overcoming Life’s Challenges: Building a Healthier You with the Four-Jar Approach

Overcoming Life’s Challenges: Building a Healthier You with the Four-Jar Approach

Life can throw unexpected challenges our way—health problems, emotional struggles, or even career shifts. Belldon Colme, a speaker, health coach, and author, shared his deeply personal journey of overcoming three heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, and severe obesity, to inspire others to live healthier, fuller lives. His method, which he calls the "Four-Jar Approach," simplifies nutrition and highlights the importance of balancing mind, body, and emotions. This blog post breaks down his approach to physical and emotional health transformation.

Childhood and the Onset of Health Challenges

Growing up in a large family, Belldon’s childhood was filled with adventure, daredevil antics, and a lot of love. However, as his family’s eating habits changed with the times—trading homegrown meals for convenient, processed foods—Belldon began to gain weight, setting the stage for later health issues. By the time he was in his late 30s, his unhealthy habits had culminated in serious heart disease. Despite trying popular diets and exercise, his health continued to deteriorate, and he found himself overwhelmed by fatigue and illness.

The First Wake-Up Call: Heart Attacks and Medications

Belldon’s first heart attack at age 39 was a wake-up call, but despite being prescribed medications and receiving professional guidance on diet and exercise, his health didn’t improve significantly. He continued to struggle with weight, low energy, and emotional eating. His experience highlighted an important realization: managing symptoms with medications wasn’t enough. He needed to get to the root of the problem, which led him on a journey of self-education in biochemistry and cellular biology.

The Turning Point: Understanding the Body’s Chemistry

Belldon’s breakthrough came when he began to see the human body as a complex system of chemical reactions. This understanding led him to rethink everything he had been told about metabolism, nutrition, and health. Contrary to popular belief, metabolism isn’t just about burning calories; it’s about the body breaking down food into nutrients (catabolism) and using those nutrients to repair and build cells (anabolism). This realization changed his approach to food, exercise, and self-care.

Belldon began to focus on providing his body with the right nutrients, avoiding harmful processed foods, and maintaining the correct balance between carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. This holistic approach allowed him to reverse type 2 diabetes in just a few months, lose 105 pounds in less than six months, and regain his energy and vitality. Today, 18 years later, he is completely free of medications and health issues, living a vibrant life.

The Four-Jar Approach: Simplifying Nutrition for Health

Belldon’s Four-Jar Approach is an easy-to-follow system designed to help anyone achieve lasting health through proper nutrition. The idea is to categorize food into four “jars,” ensuring you get the right nutrients in the right balance every day. Here’s how the Four-Jar Approach works:

  1. Dark Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens make up 85% of the essential nutrients your body needs to build and repair cells. They are the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Spinach, kale, arugula, and other leafy greens provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals that support overall health. These greens should be a daily staple in your meals.

  1. Fibrous Vegetables

Fibrous vegetables like celery, carrots, and broccoli are essential for digestive health. They act like a “roto-rooter” for your gut, helping to clean out toxins and support nutrient absorption. These vegetables also help regulate blood sugar and keep you feeling full longer.

  1. Non-Processed Carbohydrates

Not all carbs are bad. The key is to avoid processed carbohydrates, such as refined sugars and flours, and focus on whole, unprocessed options like sweet potatoes, quinoa, and oats. These complex carbohydrates provide long-lasting energy and essential nutrients that fuel your body.

  1. Non-Processed Proteins

Quality protein is vital for muscle repair, immune function, and hormone production. Avoid processed meats like pepperoni or sausage and opt for whole food protein sources such as chicken, fish, tofu, and legumes. The balance of proteins and carbohydrates is critical for optimal metabolism and energy production.

Belldon emphasizes that the balance between these jars is crucial for achieving the right "recipe" for your body’s needs. This approach is simple, but powerful—allowing you to build a sustainable way of eating that supports long-term health without the need for complex calculations or fad diets.

Tackling Emotional Eating and Stress

Belldon’s health transformation didn’t end with nutrition alone. He soon realized that while eating the right foods was essential, emotional eating and stress were significant obstacles to maintaining long-term success. He shared his personal struggle with emotional eating after his heart disease was in remission, a challenge many of us face. The cravings for comfort foods were hard to resist, even when he knew they were harmful.

His solution? Addressing the root cause of emotional eating and aligning mind, body, and spirit. Belldon stresses the importance of emotional regulation, mindfulness, and self-compassion. He created a program called Club LIT (Life on Its Terms) to help people navigate these emotional challenges and achieve mental clarity, so they can stay on track with their health goals.

Mindful Eating: “Want vs. Need”

One of the strategies Belldon encourages is to ask yourself a simple question before making food choices: “Do I want this or do I need this?” Taking a moment to reflect can help you make mindful decisions, preventing emotional eating from derailing your progress.

Moving Forward: Living Life on Its Terms

Belldon’s message is clear: You can’t cheat the laws of nature. Just as gravity will pull you down if you step off a cliff, your body will react to the foods you put into it. The key is to respect your body’s natural processes and give it the support it needs to function optimally. By following the Four-Jar Approach and addressing emotional eating, you can live a healthy, fulfilling life.


  1. Health starts with proper nutrition – Your body needs the right nutrients to heal and function, which is why eating dark leafy greens, fibrous vegetables, and non-processed carbs and proteins is essential.
  2. Mind and body alignment – Emotional eating and stress can sabotage your health goals. Finding strategies to manage emotions, like mindful eating, is crucial for long-term success.
  3. Simplicity is key – The Four-Jar Approach is an easy, practical system to ensure you're getting the right balance of nutrients. It’s not about extreme diets or counting every calorie—it’s about eating real, whole foods.
  4. You control your path – While doctors can help manage symptoms, lasting health requires taking control of your own body by providing it with the right fuel and addressing the emotional triggers that drive unhealthy habits.

By respecting the natural laws of the body and aligning your mind and emotions, you can achieve incredible health and vitality—just like Belldon did. Ready to take the first step? Visit Belldon’s website,, to learn more about the Four-Jar Approach and start your journey to better health today.

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