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Overcoming Adversity: Marcy Langlois' Inspiring Journey of Resilience and Healing

Overcoming Adversity: Marcy Langlois' Inspiring Journey of Resilience and Healing

In life, adversity often strikes unexpectedly, and it is in these moments that true character is revealed. Marcy Langlois, a survivor of tremendous hardship, stands as a testament to resilience, healing, and the power of perseverance. From a challenging childhood marked by medical conditions and family struggles to overcoming personal trauma and addiction, Marcy’s story is one of inspiration for anyone seeking hope in the face of adversity.

Born Into Challenge: A Tough Start

Marcy was born in rural Vermont with a cleft lip and palate, a condition that required immediate medical intervention. At just three months old, she had her first surgery, marking the beginning of a long road filled with medical challenges. Over the course of her childhood, she underwent nine major surgeries and 23 surgical procedures to reconstruct her face, jaws, and palate. Alongside these physical challenges, Marcy was often sick, requiring constant medical care, speech lessons, and dental work.

Despite the hardships, Marcy's mother, a 19-year-old at the time, fought tirelessly to ensure her daughter received the best medical care available. The state of Vermont’s Handicapped Children program covered all of Marcy’s medical bills, allowing her to receive world-class care from renowned surgeons. Despite this, growing up with a visible facial difference made Marcy feel different from her peers, leading to struggles with shame and self-image.

Coping with Bullying and Shame

Living in a small, supportive town helped shield Marcy during her early years, but starting school brought the harsh reality of bullying. Her cleft lip and palate made her a target for teasing and name-calling. Marcy quickly learned to cope by overachieving in school and sports, determined to prove her worth through excellence. As a way to mask her insecurities, she developed a sense of humor to deflect attention from her appearance.

However, this need to overcompensate followed her into adulthood. Her struggles with shame were further complicated by realizing she was attracted to women, which was especially difficult in the conservative environment of a Catholic school. The pressure to fit in led her to suppress her true identity, only adding to the emotional weight she carried.

Turning to Alcohol: Early Escapism

Marcy’s battle with shame and a chaotic family life, where her father struggled with alcoholism, led her to start drinking in middle school. Surrounded by alcohol in her rural community, Marcy quickly saw it as an escape from her feelings of not belonging and inadequacy. The temporary relief alcohol provided soon became a central part of her coping mechanisms.

In high school, despite her talent in sports, Marcy chose alcohol and drugs over continuing with her athletic ambitions. After a traumatic jaw surgery that left her unable to play softball, her reliance on substances increased. Marcy’s life took a devastating turn during her senior year when she was involved in a car accident that resulted in the deaths of three passengers. Though not her fault, she struggled with immense survivor’s guilt.

A Life Altered: Trauma and Addiction

The car accident marked a turning point in Marcy’s life, and the emotional toll led her deeper into addiction. She dropped out of college after only eight weeks, overwhelmed by guilt and shame. Her mother, recognizing the danger of Marcy’s self-destructive path, urged her to leave Vermont and start fresh. Desperate for change, Marcy relocated to Central Florida, hoping to escape her trauma.

However, the pain of the accident followed her, leading to years of substance abuse and debilitating mental health struggles, including severe PTSD. Despite changing her surroundings, Marcy was trapped in a cycle of addiction that she couldn't break—until a life-altering realization occurred.

Breaking the Cycle: Finding Sobriety

In 2003, Marcy had a moment of clarity when she realized she was repeating her father's behaviors with her stepdaughter, Brianna. Determined to break the cycle of addiction for her family's sake, she attended her first 12-step meeting on March 25, 2003, and has been clean and sober ever since.

Getting sober was only the beginning of her healing journey. While sobriety brought significant improvements, it also forced her to confront unresolved trauma that manifested in physical symptoms. For years, Marcy dealt with various health issues, from psoriasis to chronic anxiety, and traditional medicine offered no solutions.

A Path to Healing: The Body Keeps the Score

After several years of sobriety, Marcy was introduced to a naturopath who helped her realize that her physical ailments were a result of unprocessed trauma. This revelation led her to therapy, where she began the arduous work of healing both her mind and body. Despite initial resistance, Marcy embraced various therapeutic modalities, including EMDR and holographic reprocessing, to address the deep-seated trauma stored in her body.

However, the stress of her career in mortgage banking, where she channeled her addiction into work, prevented her body from fully healing. It wasn't until her body literally broke down in 2020, leaving her bedridden for 40 days, that Marcy fully understood the importance of surrendering and letting go of the chronic stress that was hindering her recovery.

The Power of Surrender and Self-Discovery

During her illness, Marcy experienced a profound shift in her outlook on life. Realizing that she needed to prioritize her health and relationships over career success, she committed to living a more intentional and present life. Meditation, especially the teachings of Dr. Joe Dispenza, played a crucial role in her healing process.

Today, Marcy is proud to say that she no longer suffers from the physical conditions that once plagued her. Her nervous system has healed, and her quality of life has dramatically improved. She now dedicates her time to coaching others, helping them overcome their own challenges and live beyond their perceived limits.

Key Takeaways

  • Resilience through Adversity: Marcy's journey highlights the incredible strength it takes to overcome trauma, both physical and emotional.
  • The Importance of Support: From her mother’s advocacy to the medical care she received, having a strong support system was crucial to Marcy’s survival and success.
  • Healing is Multifaceted: Physical, emotional, and mental trauma are interconnected, and true healing requires addressing all aspects.
  • Surrender as Strength: Marcy’s realization that surrendering to her circumstances was not a sign of weakness but a path to growth was pivotal in her recovery.
  • The Power of the Mind-Body Connection: Marcy’s story is a powerful example of how deeply intertwined our mental and physical health are, and how healing one requires addressing the other.


Marcy Langlois' life story is one of extraordinary resilience, determination, and hope. Her journey serves as a reminder that, no matter the challenges we face, healing and transformation are possible. Through self-awareness, support, and the willingness to confront our past, we can overcome even the deepest pain and live a fulfilling life.

Marcy’s message is clear: no matter how difficult the obstacles, we all have the power to heal and thrive.

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