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How Allan Misner Transformed His Life and Now Helps Others Do the Same

How Allan Misner Transformed His Life and Now Helps Others Do the Same

Life is full of turning points—moments where decisions shape our future paths. For Allan Misner, these moments led to a radical transformation, not just in his health but in his entire approach to life. From being an overworked, out-of-shape corporate executive to a thriving personal trainer and coach, Allan’s journey is proof that it’s never too late to change. Let’s dive into his story and the valuable lessons he’s learned along the way.

The Early Years: A Life of Competition

Allan Misner grew up in a military family, moving around frequently and developing a competitive mindset from a young age. He was an athlete in high school, playing football, running track, and even dabbling in tennis—an unusual combination for an offensive lineman. His athletic career, however, was cut short when he realized he was too undersized to continue at a higher level.

After high school, Allan briefly pursued his dream of becoming an astronaut, majoring in physics in college. But after the Challenger shuttle disaster, he pivoted, eventually joining the Army and later majoring in accounting. Allan’s early life was marked by a drive to be the best, whether on the field or in his career. However, this focus on competition came with consequences that would eventually catch up with him.

Climbing the Corporate Ladder—At a Cost

Allan’s career in accounting took off quickly. By the age of 39, he was a vice president at a Fortune 500 company, traveling 90% of the time and working up to 20 hours a day. His professional success, however, masked deeper problems in his personal life. His health had deteriorated—he was overweight, out of shape, and struggling with toxic relationships.

A pivotal moment came during a beach vacation. Allan recalls sitting on the beach and thinking, “You’re a fat bastard.” This was the first time he truly acknowledged how far his health had declined, but it would take several more years before he made a lasting change.

The Wake-Up Call: A Daughter’s Invitation

The real turning point came when Allan’s daughter, a CrossFit coach, invited him to watch one of her competitions. Allan, a lifelong athlete, was hit hard by the realization that he had become a spectator in his own life. He didn’t want to just watch his daughter; he wanted to participate, to be active and healthy enough to engage in her world.

This moment was the catalyst Allan needed to commit fully to his health. He signed up for a Warrior Dash, a 5K mud run with obstacles. Though he wasn’t in shape to do it alone, he completed the race with the help of strangers. Buoyed by his success, Allan decided to tackle the more challenging Tough Mudder—a 12- to 13-mile obstacle race. This time, he trained rigorously, losing 66 pounds of fat and gaining 11 pounds of muscle in the process.

Reinventing Himself: From Corporate Exec to Fitness Coach

As Allan’s physical transformation took shape, so did his desire to help others. He realized there were few resources for people over 40 who wanted to get fit, so he began training himself through certifications in personal training, corrective exercise, and nutrition. Initially, these certifications were just for his own benefit, but soon Allan found himself coaching others.

His first coaching clients were a couple he knew, and he used their journey as content for his podcast, 40 Plus Fitness. In just 10 weeks, the husband lost 39 pounds, and his wife lost 28—even though she couldn’t work out due to a back injury. Their success confirmed to Allan that he was on the right path.

Leaving Corporate America Behind

Despite his personal success, Allan’s corporate job remained a source of stress. As an internal auditor, he was responsible for uncovering fraud and holding employees accountable—making him one of the most disliked people in the company. The constant pressure of his job, coupled with the responsibility of laying off employees year after year, wore him down.

When his department was outsourced, Allan saw it as an opportunity to leave the corporate world behind. He made the bold decision not to return to corporate life, choosing instead to focus on his coaching business full-time.

Building a New Life in the Caribbean

With his wife’s support, Allan sold their home in Pensacola and moved to Bocas del Toro, an archipelago off the coast of Panama. There, they embraced a simpler, less stressful life. Allan continued to grow his online coaching business and podcast, which now boasts over 600 episodes and has become a go-to resource for people over 40 looking to improve their health.

Key Lessons from Allan’s Journey

Allan’s transformation wasn’t just about losing weight or getting fit—it was about fundamentally changing his approach to life. Here are some key lessons we can all learn from his journey:

1. Commitment Starts with a Deep “Why”

To make lasting change, you need a compelling reason—something deeply emotional that drives you. For Allan, it was his relationship with his daughter. He didn’t just want to lose weight; he wanted to be a participant in his daughter’s life, not just a spectator.

2. Knowledge is Power

Allan’s transformation was fueled by a thirst for knowledge. He didn’t have a coach to guide him, so he became his own coach, earning multiple certifications to better understand fitness, exercise, and nutrition. Today, there are more resources than ever, and Allan’s advice is simple: don’t be afraid to seek help, whether it’s through hiring a coach or joining a fitness group.

3. Evaluate What’s Working—and What’s Not

Allan took a hard look at his life and realized that many aspects—his job, his relationships, his lifestyle—were not serving him. By making changes in these areas, he was able to create a life that was aligned with his goals and values.

4. Execute and Stay Accountable

Whether through a coach, a fitness group, or simply having a routine, accountability is key to staying on track. Allan credits much of his success to the accountability he found in his certifications and his personal commitment to showing up every day.

Final Thoughts: It’s Never Too Late to Change

Allan Misner’s story is proof that it’s never too late to change your life. Whether you’re 40, 50, or even 60, you can take control of your health and build the life you want. As Allan often says, “You only live once, and you get to decide how that life goes.”


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