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From Struggle to Strength: Amanda Russo's Journey of Overcoming Challenges and Transforming Her Life

From Struggle to Strength: Amanda Russo's Journey of Overcoming Challenges and Transforming Her Life

Many of us face significant personal challenges as we navigate life, often rooted in our early experiences. Amanda Russo's journey, shared in this in-depth conversation, illustrates the transformative power of self-awareness, intentional habits, and personal growth. Amanda’s story of overcoming childhood bullying, emotional eating, toxic relationships, and self-doubt sheds light on the importance of taking control of your own narrative and making sustainable changes to improve your health, well-being, and mindset.

In this blog post, we’ll explore key moments from Amanda's life and the steps she took to break free from old patterns, reclaim her confidence, and develop a fulfilling fitness and wellness routine. Whether you’re struggling with weight loss, mental health, or confidence, Amanda’s insights can serve as a powerful guide for finding your own way forward.

Childhood Struggles: Emotional Eating and Bullying

Amanda Russo grew up in a small town in Western Massachusetts as an only child. Raised by a single mother who had her own complicated relationship with food, Amanda was never restricted in what she ate. Her mother, having experienced criticism for her weight, didn’t want Amanda or her cousin to face the same scrutiny.

Unfortunately, this environment set the stage for Amanda to use food as an emotional escape. As Amanda explains:

"Through a lot of different experiences that were challenging for me in life, my escape mechanism became food to deal with emotions as opposed to dealing with them in a more healthy way."

Bullying compounded Amanda’s challenges. Whether it was the sound of her voice, her weight, or the fact that she didn’t know her father, Amanda faced constant ridicule. Even from a young age, she was told cruel things by other children, creating deep emotional wounds that influenced her eating habits and self-esteem.

Finding Refuge in Sports (But Still Struggling)

Amanda was active in various sports growing up, from basketball to soccer. While she enjoyed being involved, the emotional weight she carried from bullying and family issues didn’t just disappear because she was physically active. Even with regular participation in sports, she didn’t see a significant change in her weight. As she puts it:

"I sucked at basketball… I was not good, but you were going to practice and killing some calories… but there’s still that balance with what you’re eating and what you’re consuming."

Despite her efforts, Amanda’s emotional eating habits overshadowed any physical activity she was doing. It wasn’t until high school, after a doctor’s visit, that she felt compelled to make a change. Seeing the number on the scale shocked her into trying drastic, unhealthy weight-loss tactics, leading to an eating disorder that she didn’t fully recognize for years.

The Turning Point: Taking Control of Health

Fast forward to her post-college life, Amanda found herself in a new relationship, living in a third-floor apartment, and struggling to walk up the stairs without feeling winded. This moment of physical weakness became a pivotal wake-up call. She recalls:

"I said to myself, 'I’m not even carrying anything, and I can’t walk up these stairs without being out of breath.' And I decided that was it. I had to make a change."

Inspired by a book by Rachel Hollis, Amanda took a simple but powerful step—moving her body for 30 minutes every day. Whether it was a walk around the block or another form of exercise, Amanda began prioritizing daily movement. This small, consistent habit helped her shift her mindset and slowly build confidence in her body again.

Embracing Fitness: Finding Joy in Movement

What started as simple walks around her neighborhood evolved into something more. Amanda received a gym offer for two free weeks and decided to give it a try. She immediately connected with a group workout class at the gym, specifically a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class. This new form of exercise sparked joy in her:

"I loved it. The trainer was so friendly, and I could feel my muscles moving, which I had never felt before. I fell in love with the process."

The most notable aspect of Amanda’s transformation is that her primary goal wasn’t to lose weight. Instead, she focused on feeling better, enjoying the movement, and improving her overall health. As a result, Amanda lost 50 pounds and gained a newfound passion for fitness.

Nutrition: The Gradual Shift to Healthier Eating

Unlike many who start their weight-loss journey by drastically changing their diet, Amanda took a different approach. She didn’t immediately overhaul her eating habits. Instead, she began by adding more of the good—more water, more vegetables, and more movement.

Amanda emphasizes that you don’t have to restrict yourself from the start. Instead of eliminating foods, she focused on incorporating better choices over time. By not pressuring herself to be perfect, she gradually made healthier choices that became sustainable in the long run:

"I didn’t change my nutrition right away. I still lost 30 pounds just from adding in movement. I didn’t focus on restriction—I focused on adding more of the good."

Mental and Emotional Health: The Role of Breathwork and Ayahuasca

In addition to her physical journey, Amanda explored new methods of healing her emotional wounds. Her introduction to breathwork, a mindfulness practice that uses controlled breathing techniques to promote mental clarity and emotional healing, began at an ayahuasca ceremony. Although she initially struggled with the practice, it became an important tool for her personal growth.

"Breathwork helped me transform my grief into gratitude. It gave me a new perspective on life, helped me appreciate the good, and made me feel more connected to myself."

Amanda now practices and teaches breathwork to others, combining her passion for fitness with a holistic approach to mental and emotional well-being.

Key Takeaways from Amanda's Journey

Amanda Russo’s story offers powerful lessons for anyone looking to make lasting changes in their life—whether it's fitness, mental health, or personal growth. Here are some key takeaways from her journey:

1. Start Small and Build Momentum

  • Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many changes at once. Amanda’s journey began with one small habit—walking for 30 minutes a day. Focus on building one habit at a time and watch as those small actions lead to bigger results.

2. Find Joy in the Process

  • Amanda didn’t set out with the primary goal of weight loss. Instead, she found activities she enjoyed, which naturally led to physical transformation. Find something you love, whether it's a specific workout, a sport, or simply walking, and let the process bring you joy.

3. Focus on Adding More Good, Not Restricting

  • Rather than starting with a restrictive mindset, focus on adding healthier habits—more water, more nutritious foods, more movement. By emphasizing abundance, you set yourself up for long-term success.

4. Pay Attention to Your Environment

  • Your environment has a significant impact on your success. Amanda realized that her toxic relationship was holding her back from fully embracing her new identity. Surround yourself with supportive people and create an environment that aligns with your goals.

5. Transform Your Mindset with Gratitude

  • Amanda used breathwork to transform her grief into gratitude. Shifting your mindset from focusing on what you lack to appreciating what you have can create a powerful change in your outlook on life.

6. It’s a Lifelong Journey, Not a Destination

  • Personal growth and fitness are not one-time goals; they are lifelong journeys. Be patient with yourself, embrace the process, and celebrate small victories along the way.

Conclusion: Reclaiming Confidence and Purpose

Amanda Russo’s journey is a testament to the power of persistence, self-awareness, and taking control of your narrative. From overcoming childhood bullying and emotional eating to embracing fitness and breathwork, Amanda has transformed her life in meaningful and sustainable ways. Her story reminds us that change doesn’t happen overnight, but with small steps, dedication, and a willingness to look inward, anyone can rewrite their story and reclaim their confidence.

If you want to learn more about Amanda’s breathwork practice or start your own journey toward personal growth, you can connect with her on Instagram at @thebreathinggoddess or via email at

Bonus Resource: 5 Simple Steps to Begin Your Fitness and Wellness Journey

  • Start with 30 minutes of daily movement—whether walking, yoga, or a beginner fitness class.
  • Gradually replace processed foods with whole foods like vegetables, lean protein, and water-rich options.
  • Surround yourself with people who support your goals and distance yourself from toxic influences.
  • Incorporate a mindfulness practice such as breathwork or journaling to foster emotional well-being.
  • Focus on what you can add to your routine, not what you need to take away.

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