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From Overachiever to Entrepreneur: How Yoga Transformed Shana Meyerson's Life

From Overachiever to Entrepreneur: How Yoga Transformed Shana Meyerson's Life

Many people seek success through conventional routes—good grades, prestigious schools, and high-paying jobs. But what happens when a life-altering moment forces you to reassess everything? Shana Meyerson’s journey from an overachieving child to a successful yoga entrepreneur offers insight into the unexpected paths life can take, the courage it requires to follow your true passion and the lessons learned along the way.

The Overachiever's Trap: When Success Leads to Setbacks

Shana Meyerson, the founder of YOGAthletica, grew up as a self-described "golden child." She was an overachiever in every sense, excelling academically, athletically, and socially. From a young age, she earned high marks, captained teams, and was showered with praise for her relentless drive.

But as she reached her teenage years, a harsh reality struck. After failing to get accepted into Stanford—something she had worked her entire life for—Shana’s world fell apart. This rejection shook her to the core, causing her to walk away from her competitive tennis career and lose her sense of purpose.

For the next decade, she carried this feeling of failure with her, despite continuing to overachieve academically by attending Cornell University and later working in Hollywood. The weight of past rejection, however, lingered, leaving her feeling unfulfilled despite her accomplishments.

The Breakthrough Moment: Yoga and the Power of Falling

Shana’s life took a dramatic turn at 30 when she unexpectedly stumbled into a yoga class. She had no idea that the practice would not only become her passion but would fundamentally reshape how she viewed success, failure, and life itself.

Yoga, in many ways, became the antidote to her earlier struggles. It was the first time in her life that she was told it was okay to fall. This simple but profound shift in perspective freed her from the relentless pursuit of perfection. Through yoga, Shana began to appreciate that it wasn’t about how many times you fell but about the resilience to get back up each time.

This revelation became the foundation for her new path—one that led her away from her Hollywood career and into the world of yoga instruction.

Building a Business from Passion: Mini Yogis and YOGAthletica

Driven by the transformative power of yoga, Shana founded Mini Yogis, a yoga program for children, at a time when teaching yoga to kids was virtually unheard of. She created a niche in a market that didn’t yet exist, and her venture quickly gained traction.

Not long after, she launched YOGAthletica, her adult-focused practice. Although both businesses were operating simultaneously, it was Yoga Athletica that began to dominate her professional life, helping Shana find her true calling.

But this path wasn’t without its challenges. When Shana was still pursuing her MBA at UCLA, a professor openly dismissed her entrepreneurial vision, claiming that teaching yoga to kids didn’t make her an entrepreneur. Instead of letting his comments dishearten her, Shana walked out of class and never returned. A year later, she was featured on the cover of, validating her instincts and proving her detractors wrong.

Saying "Yes" to Opportunity

One of Shana’s key pieces of advice is to say “yes” to opportunities, even if they don’t seem to make sense at the time. Early in her yoga career, she faxed a flyer to various preschools and temples offering her services. To her surprise, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish rabbi in Westwood reached out—not for his children, but for his wife. This led to more teaching gigs, opening doors that ultimately led to a six-figure income within just a few years.

Shana’s story illustrates the importance of taking risks and being open to possibilities, even when the odds seem low or the opportunity doesn’t align with conventional expectations.

The Intersection of Passion and Purpose

Although Shana could have easily made a fortune by staying in Hollywood or continuing with a high-profile job at Microsoft, she chose to follow her passion. Her decision to devote herself fully to yoga was grounded in a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. While she admits that she may have earned more had she taken a different path, she is certain that she made the right choice in choosing work that enriches both her life and the lives of others.

Shana is quick to point out that while success is often measured in dollars, true fulfillment comes from doing something you love. “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life,” she says, a sentiment she lives by every day.

Key Takeaways

  1. Failure is Not the End: Shana’s early experiences with failure, particularly her rejection from Stanford, shaped her journey. Instead of letting setbacks define you, learn to see them as opportunities for growth and change.

  2. It’s Okay to Fall: One of the most valuable lessons Shana learned through yoga was that falling is part of the process. You don’t need to be perfect to be successful—you just need to keep getting back up.

  3. Take Risks and Say Yes: Don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. Opportunities often come from unexpected places, and saying “yes” can lead to life-changing outcomes.

  4. Commit Fully: If you want to make a major life change, you need to commit 100%. There is no room for half-measures when it comes to following your dreams.

  5. Passion is Priceless: While financial success is important, true fulfillment comes from doing something you love. When you align your work with your passion, the rewards—both tangible and intangible—will follow.

Shana Meyerson’s journey reminds us that success isn’t a straight line and that sometimes, the most significant opportunities come from moments of failure. By embracing the lessons learned through yoga, Shana transformed her life and built a thriving business grounded in passion, resilience, and a commitment to always be better than yesterday.

Ready to discover your passion and take the leap? Learn more about Shana Meyerson and her work at YOGAthletica.

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